
First issue of Spielboy is out. The site is a strange parody of Playboy, with articles about board games. And yeah, there’s some (semi) nudity — with games, of course. Strange.

I don’t care much for the nudity (I read it for the articles), but it seems like a funny idea. We’ll see how the future issues turn out. Even if the idea doesn’t turn you on (ahem), check out Spielboy Cribs. Frank Branham (designer of Dia de los Muertos and apparently a rather creepy guy) presents his home, which is full of rather interesting decorations. It’s definitely a must see for goths!

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3 responses to “Spielboy”

  1. Just to clear up. Frank might APPEAR creepy, but he and Sandi are some of most pleasant and nicest people you will meet. It is great that the game hobby has people who are so helpful to other people in the hobby. They just happen to think that dead things make wonderful home decorations.

  2. To clear up even further: word “creepy” was used in the most positive meaning possible. I found their home decorations very, very cool and would switch homes with them without a doubt. Their home is one of the most impressive homes I’ve ever seen.

  3. Yup, I can agree that while Frank might APPEAR creepy, his willingness to help the Spielboy cause was really great.
    At the Gathering, he was trying to find Found Porn, and when I asked him to do the Cribs section, he jumped right on it and turned that around in about 2 days. Amazing guy and amazingly nice in person, too.