Wednesday, day one: arrival

Good news! The hotel has a computer I can use, it has a DSL connection and it accepts my USB memory card reader. So, I bring you: live reports from Essen, Germany! (I apologize if I mix my Y’s and Z’s, as the German keyboards are funny that way.)

My travelling companions Ismo and Raija came to pick me up earlier today, saving me from the effort of a bus journey. We left to Helsinki airport and boarded the plane to Düsseldorf. Flight was fast, slightly bumpy and quite pleasant. It’s always a pleasure to fly Finnair.

Finland has been unusually warm this year, but Germany is hot! It was 21 degrees when we came, practically summer. Bizarre weather, perhaps it signals the end of the times? Well, anyway, you know the Germans are known for being efficient? They sure are! Usually when I get out of a plane, I head towards a toilet before the luggage arrives. This time was no exception, but when I came out, the luggage was already arriving. Faster than ever! Those crazy but effective Germans!

We took the Skyrail to the Düsseldorf airport railway station, that was quite cool method of transit. At the railway station, we successfully operated a German-speaking ticket machine and got tickets to the train to Essen, which we successfully boarded few minutes later. Good timing! The tickets cost eight euros each, which feels a bit expensive… Well, about 35-40 minutes later we were at the Essen railway station.

From there we took a taxi to our hotel. I tell you, it’s perfect! The location is excellent, near the main entrance and off the high-traffic roads. Too bad it’s already booked for next year. Not that I’m coming next year, but anyway… I haven’t seen Reiner Knizia or Rick Thornquist yet; I don’t think I’d recognise Ward Batty, but still I’m quite sure I haven’t seen him either.

We went for a small walk, trying to find some food. We did; we found a store two minutes before it closed. Close call! I checked out Istra, Hotel Jung and Hotel Arosa, so I’ll know where I’m going tomorrow. I’m really excited about tomorrow! We’ll hit the fair right on, we’ll probably go for tickets around 9.30 or so. Way cool!

That’s all for today! No new games, no celebrities, but lots of good excitement about tomorrow.

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7 responses to “Wednesday, day one: arrival”

  1. Glad you find us Germans so very efficient. Natürlich — we are 🙂 — I wish you a most efficient entry early tomorrow morning. I also look forward to your posts during the next days. Since I will personally only be able to attend on Saturday morning and Sunday (full day) I am looking forward to read about what’s hot and what’s not. Thanks for keeping us posted.
    PS: The weather in Düsseldorf really was marvelous today. It’s scheduled to stay that way until Sunday — also for Essen.
    PPS: The Y/Z problem is nothing compared to this.

  2. GLA #3: Preparations for Essen 2005

    Geek List Aggregator #3 deals with the upcoming game fair at Essen 2005. Probably, this GLA will not provide much enduring value but Essen is the topic of the week. So for the sake of providing current information… Oh, wait…

  3. GLA #3: Preparations for Essen 2005

    Geek List Aggregator #3 deals with the upcoming game fair at Essen 2005. Probably, this GLA will not provide much enduring value but Essen is the topic of the week. So for the sake of providing current information… Oh, wait…

  4. Glad you’ll be able to post Essen reports, Mikko; I’m looking forward to them. Now if my Celsius conversion skills haven’t rusted away, 21 degrees C. is the same as 70 degrees Farenheit. I realize that you Finns are used to cool weather, but is that really hot for you? It would be a pleasant Spring day for us in the States!
    By the way, it’s hard to miss Ward Batty. Just look for a large man in a Hawaiin shirt. Usually followed by the sound of laughter as he cracks yet another funny joke. That’ll be Ward!

  5. Found Ward, I noticed Rick dropping his room key to some guy and guess what, that’s Ward!
    21 degrees C is not that hot, except in this time of year. At worst it’s been snowing by now, and it definitely should be around 10-15 degrees, wet and windy.