Finnish reviews: Antike, Louis XIV, Around the World in 80 Days, In the Shadow of the Emperor

I’ve written few reviews recently. These are all in Finnish, I’ll write the English reviews here at some point: Antike, Around the World in 80 Days, In the Shadow of the Emperor, Louis XIV.

Has anybody who doesn’t understand Finnish actually checked any of my Finnish reviews? Like, could I just claim to write like dozen reviews every week and you’d be all impressed of my hard work as nobody actually checks the links? Just curious…

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4 responses to “Finnish reviews: Antike, Louis XIV, Around the World in 80 Days, In the Shadow of the Emperor”

  1. Nope, I hadn’t checked before today. Hmm.. ok a bunch of words in Finnish. And no Finnish beauties. How do we know that you are just copying the text from some Finnish newspaper? ;p

  2. That was supposed to read: “How do we know that you aren’t just copying the text from some Finnish newspaper?” (tongue-in-cheek)