Hot games for Q1/2008

Oh my, another quarter gone! The previous one was good, how about this one?

Wabash Cannonball is the hottest of the hot, and no wonder. I’ve loved every game so far. I’d like to try a five-player game at some point, to see how that changes the game. And of course more games with three and four! Fortunately the locals are in agreement about the excellence of the game. Right now, by the way, Finns have the highest average for Wabash at Geek.

I’m really interested in seeing how Wabash compares with Pampas Railroads (preorder, preorder, good people!). I’m such a fan of short and action-packed games that Pampas needs to be really good to stand up to Wabash. We’ll see…

Black Vienna — After my visit to Jyväskylä, it’s no wonder Black Vienna is on this list. We had some really good time with this game, and I’m taking the game with me next time I go (unless they’ve done their own copy, which is likely). On the other hand, I’m not sure I’m that interested in playing this game elsewhere.

Race for the Galaxy is an obvious addition to the list. Seven more games, and I want more. This hasn’t been a huge hit, but to me this is still the top of 2007, despite Wabash.

Cuba makes it to the list after three games. It’s unlikely to appear again, but we’ll see.

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