Category: Statistical lunacy

  • My top 100 games in 2020

    I just finished my Top 100 list for 2020. It’s on BGG: Mikko’s Top 100 – 2020 edition.

  • Staying Power

    On a GCL Amoeba discussion, Eric Brosius started a discussion on his Staying Power metric he calculates for the games he has played. That interested me enough that I implemented the same metric in my own game stats. The way it works is that for a start, it’s an average of number of times a…

  • Best 30 years of games – Jan 2020 edition

    I wanted to take a look at the best years of games, but didn’t feel like going through everything and ordering it manually. Fortunately, I was able to come up with an automatic solution. I have logs of all my game plays since 2001 and could use that data to rank the years. The solution…

  • Gaming Year 2019

    2019 was a solid year of games. Updating my game stats app. A major project this year was updating my game stats app. I’ve been keeping my stats in a DIY web app, built with PHP and MySQL some fifteen years ago. I’ve been updating it and adding new features, but I’ve had some problems…

  • Gaming Year 2018

    2018 was the year of the two-player card game. Look at my top three played games: Magic: the Gathering, KeyForge and Shards of Infinity, all with more than fifty plays. When I look at my lists, it feels like I mostly played new games this year. I managed to do that in moderation, though: we’re…

  • Gaming Year 2017

    In 2016 I tried 133 new games. That, I felt, was too much, and in 2017, a move was made to correct that. 17% of my plays were spent trying new games, and it felt too much. In 2017, I tried just 67 new games. The total number of plays was also slightly reduced, mostly…

  • My top 100 list 2017

    I’ve finished my annual project and compiled the 2017 top 100 list. It was a very good season, there are plenty of new games on the list. There are also several new games in the top 10, and the top 3 is all new games. Crazy! You can find the list on BoardGameGeek.

  • Gaming Year 2016

    2016 was a good year. Lots of games. I made a new record for the number of new games tried. My previous record was 93 new games in 2011, but this year I reached 133 new games. This is a record that’s unlikely to be broken any time soon. I don’t really want to. I’ve decided…

  • Gaming Year 2015

    2015 was a solid year. Numbers-wise, no complaints, and quality has been excellent. I played lots of good games with my son, who has continued to be an active member of the cult of the new. A new game for us to try? He’s game. My daughter is also growing up and we’ve been moving…

  • 150 plays of Star Realms

    I just finished my 150th recorded play of Star Realms against the Hard AI opponent on iOS. I started recording the results of the games, because I was interested in gauging the level of luck in the game. It seemed fairly high, that is. I doubted if anybody is even able to get 60% win percentage…