Category: More about games

  • Ab in die Tonne

    There are at least three games named Ab in die Tonne. This is the one that was recently published in Finnish as Roskis. The game: Ab in die Tonne by Carlo A. Rossi, published by Abacus Spiele in 2013. Elevator pitch: A stacking and double-guessing game, where you play cards to place trash in garbage and avoid spilling out…

  • Skunk, Livingstone, Aeroplanes

    Skunk must have taken the veteran game designer Haim Shafir less than five minutes to design. It’s basically a simplification of Hearts: basic trick-taker, where you must avoid skunks in cards (in nines of every suit and in every card of the red suit). Tremendously simple, but the cards look nice. But why buy this when you can take…

  • Viticulture

    I got a review copy of Viticulture, and here’s what I think of it. I wasn’t a part of the wildly successful Kickstarter campaign, so I’m unbiased by that. The game: Viticulture by Jamey Stegmaier and Alan Stone, published by Stonemaier Games in 2013 after a successful Kickstarter campaign. Elevator pitch: A worker-placement game where you develop a…

  • Suburbia

    The game: Suburbia by Ted Alspach, published by Bézier Games in 2012. Elevator pitch: Sim City board game. Manage an economic engine, draft tiles to build your borough, and try to have your tiles interact well with the other tiles in play. What’s in the box? Lots of hexagon tiles. The tiles look plain by themselves, but…

  • Rise of the Fellowship

    Here are some essential notes of the games played between 19.4. and 15.5.2013. Enjoy. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Deck-building Game has been the biggest hit recently. I saw a session report on Google+, got interested and decided to buy the game. The fact that my son is a huge Lord of…

  • Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Deck-building Game

    I was thinking about writing reviews, again, and came up with this kind of format. What do you think? The game: The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Deck-building Game by Ben Stoll and Patrick Sullivan, published by Cryptozoic in 2013. Elevator pitch: A deck-building game with Lord of the Rings movie theme. Based…

  • Dieter Danziger games

    Yesterday was a Dieter Danziger night. We played both Lokomotive Werks and 1830 Cardgame, two games that are similar in some way. At least both are about trying to collect as much money as possible and both have a significant taxation mechanism (in Lokomotive Werks, everybody pays 10% every turn, in 1830 everybody pays 10%, except the…

  • London, EuroRails

    Q1 of 2013 is gone now, and so far the gaming year looks good. I’m not sure about quality, but at least quantity is good: 230 plays of 75 different games. Lots of this with the kids, and that’s been great. London has been floating around in my game group, since one of the regulars…

  • Recent notes

    I notice my blog is leaking readers. Too bad. Well, it might help actually post something every now and then. Here’s notes from the last couple of weeks. Mostly games with kids, as my son has been taking swimming lessons at the same time as our Thursday-evening game session is. I’m happy to report the…

  • Lord of the Rings: Confrontation in Finnish

    I haven’t played Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation a lot in the recent years. Well, expect that to change. My son, now six years old, is a huge Lord of the Rings fan, mostly because of LotR LEGOs. I figured out he might enjoy the game, so I whipped up some Finnish translations for…