Category: More about games

  • Doom: The Boardgame

    Rick Thornquist posted, finally, that in-depth review of Doom: The Boardgame he’s been promising. Sounds nice, but Rick Thornquist skips one interesting question: how’s the game when compared to Space Hulk? Because that’s what it sounds like. I presume Rick doesn’t know Space Hulk, so we’ll have to wait until someone with experience in both…

  • Biberbande

    I’ve had a good writing mood going on. Latest result is a review of Biberbande. Biberbande is another Amigo five euro card game. Their selection is amazing, the production quality of the games is top-notch and often the price is dirt cheap. In this case, the price is about right, because Biberbande offers considerably less…

  • DaVinci Code

    Another review up: DaVinci Code. I know it’s a bit early to review the game, because I only have played the game few times and always with three players, but knowing that my opportunities to play pretty much anything this year are quite slim, I thought I’d like to get the review out for Christmas…

  • Diplomacy PBeM game

    Iain wants to play Diplomacy. After a long time with no touch to Diplomacy, I’m actually interested to give it a go, too. However, finding a game isn’t that simple and it looks like we’ll have to arrange one. So, I thought the readers of this blog should include at least some people who’d like…

  • Geschenkt

    A new review is up at my Finnish game site: Geschenkt. I’ve reached ten plays fairly quickly with this one, mostly because nobody is satisfied with just one play. It’s always hey, I got it, let’s play again — that alone is a sign of a good game. And that’s it, pretty much: Geschenkt is…

  • DaVinci Code

    I finally got a copy of Da Vinci Code aka Coda. For Finnish readers, Suomalainen kirjakauppa has them. This year all we have is a German box with a sticker on it but with Finnish and Swedish rules. Early next year there should be a completely Finnish edition, which is available in the usual stores.…

  • Four Dragons — eyewitness report

    I got a copy of Four Dragons today. As the Geek link betrays, it is a remake of Dia de los Muertos, one of my favourite card games. The new edition loses the strong theme (more about that in Four Dragons, an earlier entry of mine), but the new theme isn’t really that bad. Who…

  • Amazing Puerto Rico board

    Downloading Mike Doyle’s PRege, La Ciudad might take a while, but it’s well worth it. Mike Doyle was frustrated because he was unable to see the whole picture of a Puerto Rico game. He went on and created some new art for the game. Instead of personal player boards, there’s a large common board, which…

  • Little Golem news

    Iain got me playing Dvonn — I’ve been meaning to, but I have lacked motivation. Now I started and hey, it’s a good game. Right now it ranks second in the Project GIPF games, right after Zèrtz. I’m still to finish a game, so my opinion is still slightly vague. Meanwhile, I’ve figured out I…

  • Dos Rios

    I got Dos Rios yesterday. I’m not too keen on Franz-Benno Delonge’s work (well, TransAmerica), but Dos Rios had such a neat idea in the river system that I just wanted to try it out. I’m not expecting too much, if it’s good I’m surprised positively. I’m afraid it might be too tactical and chaotic,…