Category: More about games

  • Diplomacy

    I’m playing Diplomacy again. For the last two years or so I have mostly focused on GMing and I haven’t had a real need to play the game. It just doesn’t fit my personality, I think… Well, now I’m playing again. I’ve been running games of Necromancer, which is a Diplomacy variant set in the…

  • Go

    I got myself a new Go opponent: GNU Go with Jago user interface. I have an installation of older GNU Go on one of my Unix shell accounts, but for some reason I hadn’t thought of getting it on my home PC. Well, now I have it so I can play real 19×19 Go against…

  • Game idea

    For the last few days, I’ve been thinking about an auction game idea. It just might have something to do with the fact that I played Ra Friday and enjoyed it a lot… Anyway, I’m eager to test my ideas. If it works out, I’ll publish the game on my web site. The game is…

  • Wildlife preview

    As mentioned before, I bought Wildlife Friday and managed to play it the same night. Here’s my preview, based on that one game. The main reason why I bought Wildlife was the cheap price. Reason why I chose Wildlife instead of other cheap games was mostly the name of Wolfgang Kramer on the cover. I…

  • Of handicaps and silence

    My blog has been a bit silent, but it’s been a slow start for this game year. First game sessions are coming next week: I’m planning a Tichu session next Tuesday, Friday I’m going to a meeting of the Finnish Diplomacy Association board, there’ll be fun and games, then the Sunday is board game club…

  • Villa Paletti

    I’ve already written a review of Villa Paletti here, but here’s for the Finnish readers: a Finnish review of Villa Paletti.

  • Afrikan tähti

    Afrikan tähti. I thought it was very inappropriate that the finest Finnish boardgame wasn’t in BoardGameGeek. Now it is.

  • Tournament systems

    I’ve been thinking about the tournaments in the board game club. In 2001, we had a very simple tournament. In our December meeting, we played a four-game tournament and the winner got the prize. This year, a small one-game tournament was played every time and the finals in the December meeting. That was better, but…

  • Ricochet Robot

    I’m addicted. Ricochet Robot is my favourite puzzle game. Unfortunately, it’s a bit difficult to find opponents good enough, as it is a game where newbie has little chance against a seasoned veteran. The new brains simply doesn’t function fast enough compared to RR-tuned brains. Well, there’s a solution: Online Ricochet Robot. There’s a daily…

  • Canal Grande preview

    I played my first games of Canal Grande last weekend and here’s a quick review based on those games. First of all, I should say I’m not familiar with San Marco, so I’m not biased either way in that regard. For a start, the cards are very ugly. The backs are hideous and the pictures…