Category: More about games

  • What’s new

    I’ve been doing lots of stuff lately, just haven’t had time to document it here. I’ve played T&E at BGG, bought games, written about games and so on… I lost my first game of Tigris & Euphrates at the BoardGameGeek. I had no chance, as I had short supply of red tiles and did some…

  • T&E Play-by-email at BGG

    I’ve started to play Tigris & Euphrates at the Boardgamegeek. The interface is pretty ok — if you have decent Internet connection. It is quite heavy, so modem users might want to skip this one. However, if you’re not afraid of slow loading, feel free to challenge me to games. My Geek id is msaari.…

  • Do-it-yourself games: Bluff

    I played Bluff (aka Call the Bluff aka Liar’s Dice aka Perudo) for the first time last Sunday and thought it to be a game that I would want to own. However, instead of paying lots of money (at least over 20 euros) for the game that consists of some dice, cups and a board,…

  • Africa + Puerto Rico

    First of all, there’s been some discussion about Africa on the Spielfrieks list. The best thing the discussion brought up is this analysis by Peter Wiles (through Defective Yeti Yahoo! groups filter). Read and be amazed, how well Doktor Knizia has balanced the game. Puerto Rico has been another hot topic lately, with the new…

  • Villa Paletti

    I happened to run into Villa Paletti when I was shopping some birthday gifts for my girlfriend. I resisted the temptation until the next day, when I went and bought it. I was finally able to play it for real in the HelCon. We played some two-player games with Tommy on the day before, but…

  • Ricochet Robot solver

    As long as I’ve had Ricochet Robot, I’ve thought about how neat it would be to have a computer program that would solve those puzzles that seem a bit too hard for the humans to solve. Well, now I have one. I’ve been studying Data Structures and Algorithmics lately in the University and I’ve learned…

  • Stephenson’s Rocket

    So, as requested by Iain, here’s my thoughts about Stephenson’s Rocket. Tommy has been carrying this Reiner Knizia game around to many events, but hasn’t ever been able to play it with more than 2 players. To help out the poor guy, I suggested we play it. We soon had two other players and a…

  • Villa Paletti preview

    I bought Villa Paletti, the 2002 Spiel des Jahres winner for few reasons. Biggest one is probably that I happened to see it at a department store when I was looking for a birthday gift for my girlfriend. I didn’t buy it right away, but went back the next day… Also, as it won the…

  • Tantrix preview

    I didn’t expect to play any games during the weekend (I was visiting my parents, as it’s my birthday next week), but my mother had a new Tantrix set which I had to try. It’s a game of connections. The hexagonal tiles feature coloured lines, three colours each. There’s a total of four colours in…

  • More about inappropriate themes

    I wrote about inappropriate game themes few days ago. I’ve been thinking about it a bit, and have something more to say. I drew comparisons to books, but I think it’s not a good comparison at all. There’s a huge difference between games and books. In books, no matter how evil and disgusting the main…