Tag: 1825

  • Gaming Year 2019

    2019 was a solid year of games. Updating my game stats app. A major project this year was updating my game stats app. I’ve been keeping my stats in a DIY web app, built with PHP and MySQL some fifteen years ago. I’ve been updating it and adding new features, but I’ve had some problems…

  • 1889 and 1825U1 over

    Finished couple of PBEM games. 1825 Unit 1 was a curious game. We ran out of trains and GWR was totally stuck — it was in receivership, but since we ran out of trains, there was nothing to lease and nothing to buy, so there was really no way to get it out of receivership.…

  • 1825 Unit 2 PBEM game over

    I played a game of 1825 Unit 2 with Justin Rebelo. It took us what, four days. The game was over after the seventh round. Using Google Docs and the actual board worked well, though we had couple of tile mismatches because of careless notation and mistakes. Despite time zone differences, we had several longer…

  • 1825 Unit 3 pbem, over

    The play-by-email game of 1825 Unit 3 with Justin Rebelo is over (see announcement). We finished the game today, when I resigned on stock round 8. I was behind and Justin was starting minor companies so he would have four directorships (CR, GSWR, GNS and M&C). I had NBR, which wasn’t doing too well. CR…

  • PBEM 1825 Unit 3

    I’ve started another play-by-email game. I’m playing 1825 Unit 3 against Justin Rebelo. Since there’s no handy electronic solution to managing the game, we’re using the tried and tested method of having the game board spread out while the game lasts. Unit 3 has compact enough a board to make it possible. There’s also a…

  • Yearly dose of 1825 Unit 3

    I’m a firm believer that a game of 1825 Unit 3 per year helps to maintain a healthy mind. So, that’s what we did. This was already the fifth of our Unit 3 games. This time, with experience and my nice spreadsheet for money management, we were able to finish in just 2.5 hours. Not…

  • Gaming Year 2009

    Time for another of these yearly reports, huh (see the 2008 report). This was a fairly quiet year for games. Last year was really good, but we got the second kid this year (see Gaming impact of children)… So, from last year’s 284 plays to this year’s 130 plays and some very quiet time (just…

  • Look, it’s Scotland again!

    Olli came by to try out the new table. We’ve moved (short distance, just couple hundred meters, but we got an extra room and about 30 square meters more space), and now we have a kitchen and a separate dining room, with a gorgeous new table. As we also have a table in kitchen, it’s…

  • Helcon notes, 2009 edition

    Helcon was last weekend. The event was again great success, with lots of good games available. Running the event just week after Essen proved a bit problematic, as some of the games arrived from Essen on Friday, barely in time. I did a day trip for the first time, driving to Helsinki in the morning…

  • 1825 Unit 3 with Olli

    Olli and I played another game of 1825 Unit 3 (our first game, our second game). Even though it was a while since our previous game, we got the game up and running in just 10 minutes. That was pretty sweet. On company selection I got the large private, Olli started NBR and I took…