Tag: BrettSpielWelt

  • Quick BSW session: San Juan and Caylus

    I popped in BrettSpielWelt to play few games. San Juan didn’t go too well for me: everybody else had Prefectures and Quarrys, I didn’t get any… It was an obvious loss, and I don’t think I did that many mistakes, either. Well, the cards giveth and the cards taketh away, that’s what you get. Caylus,…

  • BSW session: Diamant, Attribute (finally!)

    I did two BrettSpielWelt sessions today. I tried to recruit folks from Boardgame Society forums, but with no luck. I got some general interest, but nobody joined me. On my first visit I played seven games of Diamant. It’s a new filler game from Alan Moon and Bruno Faidutti. It’s a push-your-luck game: players are…

  • BrettSpielWelt session

    It’s been a while since my last BrettSpielWelt session. Six months, actually! Well, nothing’s changed over there, just a new game or few. However, playing anything except the standards proved to be pretty hard, as usual. I got in five games of San Juan, with two and three players. The three-player games proved to be…

  • San Juan and St. Petersburg

    With my job and all, last three months have been very quiet games-wise. So, the first thing I did on my first day off from work was to head to Brettspielwelt and play some games! It was quiet this time of day, but I managed to play few two-player games of San Juan and St.…

  • Power Grid and StreetSoccer

    First: this is entry #500. Now that’s something. I dropped by Brettspielwelt today to play some games. My main interest was to try StreetSoccer in realtime after playing so much of it in Little Golem. It was fun, though I don’t like the BSW interface. I’d like to have a neat and clear 2d board…

  • Power Grid

    I spent some quality time in Brettspielwelt playing Power Grid. I hadn’t tried it there before, but the interface turned out to be rather obvious. I had only one problem: the message window was only one row tall when I expanded the window to full-screen size (a must when playing Power Grid). I played three…

  • BSW games: St. Pete and Tichu

    It’s been a while since I last played Tichu (about 50 weeks, actually). I played a game at BSW and sucked. No wonder. It was fun, anyway. We were down something like 800-0, but my partner pulled a Grand Tichu and then we won another round but after that was quickly over. I’d say my…

  • Guess what? St. Pete at BSW!

    I just played four two-player games of St. Petersburg at Brettspielwelt. Longest game took almost 14 minutes, fastest was over under eight minutes! That’s more like it! I managed to win only one game. In two-player games it’s easy to see when one player starts to get more and more workers and then you can…

  • St. Petersburg at BSW … again

    You see I’m addicted? Another session of St. Petersburg at the BSW. This time it was much better: all games clocked in below 30 minutes and best took just 20 minutes. Very good! The first game was absurd. In the end of the game, I was producing 141 rubles each turn (60 in worker phase,…

  • More St. Pete at BSW

    I played another game of St. Petersburg at Brettspielwelt. Once again I’m surprised by the slowness of it: 43 minutes this time. That’s more in line with the real games, but still way too slow for BSW. People take too much time when they pass, that’s it. While the waiting kept me bored, the game…