Excellent Die Macher review
Don’t expect much links from me, this is not that kind of weblog. Still, I’ll occasionally bump into really good games-related content in the web and will mention it here as well. Dan Bosley has written a very good Die Macher review on the Terminal City Gamers web site (or read it from Boardgamegeek). It…
Die Macher preview
Finally I have it. I left work earlier Friday so I could run to the post office and get it. I couldn’t wait and opened the game already at the railway station. I couldn’t believe my eyes, I finally had it… I haven’t played it yet, but I think I’ll say a word or two…
My Die Macher is coming to me…
OOooh! What great news! My new Best Friend And Friendly Credit Card Owner(tm) Tommy just called me and told me the games we ordered from Germany (Spielenet, if you’re curious — and I suggest you all use Adam Spielt instead, we had some problems with the order) have arrived and he’ll send me my Die…
Die Macher link
Bob Rossney has analysed the various elements of Die Macher and compiled a nice table of them. Nice, and shows well that Die Macher isn’t the most simple game there is. Now I should be managing all that to my advantage to succeed!
Die Macher — finally
I don’t remember when I first got interested about Die Macher. It’s appreciated a lot in some circles, at least. For example, its ID number in the Boardgamegeek database is 1, it was the first game ever to be entered there. Don’t know if that’s a token of appreciation, I’d like to think it is.…