Tag: Geschenkt

  • Black Friday

    Last week was something else, now was the time to get Black Friday on the table. I decided — on a whim — to buy the game. It’s been on and off my shopping list, but I wanted something new (and the silver collector badge in Geek), so I got it. After the first game…

  • Thursday session: Agricola, Kuhhandel

    After a quick round of Geschenkt, it was time for a double dose of agriculture. Agricola! After figuring out the puzzle of how to fit the game on the table, I went through the rules. Let me say Agricola isn’t a game I like to explain… Just too many things to do, yet most of…

  • Jyväskylä game weekend

    Last weekend in Jyväskylä was good gaming time. As usual, I brought a bunch on games we played a lot. It’s refreshingly different, playing the same games over and over again instead of playing a variety of games just once or twice. I won’t bother with detailed session reports, but here’s a rundown of the…

  • Games of 2004

    Another year gone, another report of year’s activities. Once more, there’s probably more information than anyone wants to know, but it’s more for me anyway. Once again I played more than 100 different games — 113 to be precise. That’s less than last year, but then again, I played overall less games this year. Numbers…

  • Ordering games

    It’s been a while, but here I am, contemplating an order from Germany. I get free games every month, but I want Geschenkt now, not later. I’m also intrigued by Mogul and Die Sieben Siegel. Of course, buying few small games from Germany just isn’t worth it, so I’ll have to buff the order up…

  • Geschenkt

    A new review is up at my Finnish game site: Geschenkt. I’ve reached ten plays fairly quickly with this one, mostly because nobody is satisfied with just one play. It’s always hey, I got it, let’s play again — that alone is a sign of a good game. And that’s it, pretty much: Geschenkt is…

  • Boardgame club session: Intrige, Geschenkt

    Erkka and Robert were first to arrive, so we kicked the session off with two games of Da Vinci Code. It’s a good game and really a good choice for the club. It’s easy to learn (even learning by reading the rules is quick and easily done), plays fast and despite being kind of lucky,…

  • Helcon III — Saturday

    Helcon III began early in the morning, when we packed up everything in Tommy’s car and headed to the location. We quickly set everything up, unpacked games and arranged the tables and whatnot. First visitors arrived early and started playing games soon and soon more came. First game I played was a four-player Crokinole match.…

  • Pre-Helcon games

    Helcon is history and it’s time to write another lengthy epic on the games played. The event was a wild success, with over 50 visitors during the two days. The place we had was practically full during the Saturday afternoon. There’s definitely new event next year, but we might be forced to look for a…

  • Helcon expectations

    Today I’m heading to Helsinki and Helcon. I thought I wouldn’t take a huge load of games with me, but here I go, hauling one large bag and few smaller ones. If things go well, I’ll be able to sell most of those games and I don’t have to take them back. There are only…