Tag: Go

  • Monday Go Session

    This time we had a proper games meet. We started with two games of Huutopussi, both of which were won hands-down by Juho. I don’t know how he does it, but he’s rather superior in the game. Memorable moments of the games include yours truly missing 150 point call by one point, thus instead of…

  • Short Go session

    It’s been a while since the last Go session. This resulted in just one player in addition to me. What’s worse, Ari had to leave for a lecture after one game and I didn’t quite feel like waiting for 90 minutes for him to come back… Maybe our next session will draw more people. For…

  • Monday session: Go, cards and piecepack

    What a sad day today. I played three games of Go against Juho and lost all of them. I played black each time and in the last game even got one handicap stone. Ah, sadness. Then Ilari came to rescue and we tried some piecepack games. First we tried Hanging Gardens. It was slightly confusing…

  • Stones and cards

    Another Monday session. This time I played seven games of Go with Juho. In the first five games, I played white and Juho black without any handicap. For the last two games, I gave Juho white stones. I won three out of seven, so it’s official now: Juho is probably as good as I am…

  • Adventures in KGS

    Once again I play Go and get my ass kicked by lower-ranked opponents. Of course it only means my rating is still too high… Rating players is certainly an interesting and fuzzy subject. I doubt there can be a totally satisfied rating system, if the ratings are only deduced from the played games. It doesn’t…

  • Go

    Two more games of Go at KGS. Lost both of them. In the first one I just played badly, second one was more close. It was rather exciting match for interesting reasons: when we started the game, server was going to shut down in 30 minutes. We finished a minute before the server shutdown… The…

  • Online Go

    Ok, so I go online at KGS to play some Go, and who I meet? Juho! My regular Monday games opponent! It was certainly interesting… Juho has a KGS ranking of 21k, I was 12k. When we play face-to-face, I give one stone handicap, not nine… We’re both ranked wrong there. I gave Juho six…

  • Go Quitters

    I played three games of Go today at the KGS. I won all three, but my satisfaction is dimmed by the nature of my victories. All three were resignations. The first two were kind of ok, because I was winning. Especially in the second I had just created a large living group inside my opponent’s…

  • Lahti games weekend, Friday

    Another Lahti gaming weekend is over now. Organised by Peter Munter of Puolenkuun Pelit, the event is rather merry occasion. The participants were all-male invite-only group of friends and friends of friends. The average age of the players is probably a tad higher than what I’m used to and there’s a certain bloke mentality involved.…

  • Another Monday session: Go, Gang of Four

    This Monday our session began with two games of Go against Juho. Juho had been playing elsewhere, where he was approximated as 18 kyu player. That would make me 17 or 16 kyu. That sounds pretty good. This time I gave him just one stone handicap and won two games. First was an fairly early…