Tag: Go

  • Monday games: Go, prototype

    Yet another Monday games session! This one started with a game of Go against Juho. Yet again I lost giving two stone handicap, so obviously that’s too much (or then I just play sloppy). The most interesting part of this game was the fact that I counted the score using Chinese scoring. That was fun.…

  • Monday games: Flaschenteufel

    Yesterday we met for another Monday afternoon gaming session. Naturally we played Go — I faced Juho on a 19×19 game and won, but only with a margin of two points. The card game of the day was Flaschenteufel, which I like a lot. We played two games, when Nestori joined us mid-game. First game…

  • Café Games: Go and game culture

    Yesterday’s café games were quite minimal, as only one person attended them in addition to me. So, off went the plan to play Dia de los Muertos; we focused purely on Go. That wasn’t a bad thing, as Ari was an interesting opponent. We played three games on 13×13 board, with me giving handicaps of…

  • Café Games: Go, Flaschenteufel, Sticheln

    February started with a game of Go against Juho. 19×19, I played white and gave one stone handicap. It was over fairly quick; Juho resigned after my trick plays broke his defense and a large group of my stones (over 20) that began with no life suddenly got very secure life. It would’ve been fairly…

  • Cafe games: Go

    Our café games were quite typical yesterday. We did have six people present, though. I ended up playing Go against a new opponent, whose name escapes me now. I won both games, first by a healthy margin of around 100 points, second with smaller difference (but then again, there were more handicap stones). I didn’t…

  • Café sessions: Go, Gang of Four

    Today was the first time our café group met on Monday and I’d say it was a success. Total of six people played games. Afternoon began with a 13×13 Go match, which I won. It was a close match, though. Meanwhile our number had grown to four, so we started a game of my prototype.…

  • Café games: Go, Rengo, Anathema

    The infamous café games started today. The main theme of these sessions is Go and as it turned out, I played a ton of it. I played several games against Juho, both larger (13×13) and smaller (9×9, very fast games). One session and Go is already on my 10’s list! The curiosity of the Go…

  • Go and Viva il Re!

    Today I played a game of Go against Ilari. 13×13, no handicap, I played white. Ilari is much slower player than Juho, which is both good and bad. It’s nice to play several 19×19 games in quick succession, but I think I play better against Ilari when I’m forced to think a bit more. Still,…

  • Go humour

    I haven’t been checking out Almost Sente in a while. Of the new strips, number 50 was hilariously funny! I think I have a dry sense of humour sometimes.

  • Go and Gang of Three, part 2

    Yet another session with Go and Gang of Four. This time I moved on 19×19 board with Juho. Where I used to play one game of 19×19 with Ilari in, say, 90 minutes, we played six games with Juho. And it still didn’t feel too fast; I had plenty of time to make up my…