Pictures from the Lahti weekend
I got some photos from the Lahti board game weekend. Enjoy!
Balloon Cup, Time Control, Confrontation
I took some pictures. My photo gallery now has new pictures of Balloon Cup, Time Control and Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation.
FinDipCon pictures
FinDipCon pictures are finally available! There’s the event pictures to start with. I also took lots of game photos: Acquire, Capitol, Fabrik der Träume, FlowerPower, Go, Members Only, New England, Ohne Furcht und Adel, Royal Turf, Samurai and Taj Mahal. As usual, the captions are in Finnish but the pictures speak the international language of…
Wildlife, Union Pacific pictures
New pictures available: Union Pacific and Wildlife. Enjoy!
More Sunda to Sahul, Bakari
I’ve added some pictures of Sunda to Sahul and Bakari I took Friday. As usual, the captions are in Finnish but there aren’t even many.
Sunda to Sahul pictures
I took some pictures of Sunda to Sahul, they are available at my photo site. If you haven’t seen the game, go take a look because it’s pretty! No doubt it’s the best self-published game I’ve ever seen. Though, I noticed the scoring board had warped quite badly in a short time. That’s a minor…
More pictures!
Now I have all of the HelCon (and earlier) game pictures online. Go ahead: Alcatraz Battle Cry Die Händler LotR: Confrontation Villa Paletti Next I’ll start working on the session reports.
Die Macher pictures
Here’s the last one for today: Die Macher pictures are online. More (Die Händler, Villa Paletti, LotR: Confrontation, Battle Cry) to come tomorrow!
Stephenson’s Rocket pictures
Stephenson’s Rocket pictures are online. They document my rise to power and glory… ahem. It was the best game of Stephenson’s Rocket I’ve ever played, the one I won 😉 There are also few new pictures of Britannia and
Medina pictures
Some Medina pictures online. Nice game, and it looks spectacular.