Tag: rules translations

  • Finnish translations

    I’ve been doing some updating on the Finnish side of my game stuff. I’m going to pick up my Adam order today and new games means new translations. I’ve already done Crokinole,

  • Balloon Cup rules

    I wrote a Finnish translation of Balloon Cup rules.

  • Translations

    For the Finnish readers: I’ve been writing lots of translations lately (that is, all the card games in the order, except Mü). Here are the links: Coloretto, Dia de los Muertos, King Lui, Land Unter, Mamma Mia!, 6 Nimmt!. I’m definitely translating the Mü games as well. Let’s see if I bother to do Amun-Re…

  • Bohnanza rules translation

    For the Finnish readership, there’s an rules translation for Bohnanza available at my web site.

  • New rules translation: Canal Grande

    From now on, there’s a Finnish translation of Canal Grande available at my web site. It includes the four player rules. I’m looking forward to trying Canal Grande this weekend.

  • What’s new

    I’ve been doing lots of stuff lately, just haven’t had time to document it here. I’ve played T&E at BGG, bought games, written about games and so on… I lost my first game of Tigris & Euphrates at the BoardGameGeek. I had no chance, as I had short supply of red tiles and did some…