Café Games: Go, Flaschenteufel, Sticheln

February started with a game of Go against Juho. 19×19, I played white and gave one stone handicap. It was over fairly quick; Juho resigned after my trick plays broke his defense and a large group of my stones (over 20) that began with no life suddenly got very secure life. It would’ve been fairly easy to prevent, but I did all that I could to confuse the situation. It was dirty, but also my only chance to invade an otherwise well-protected territory.

Next up was a game of Flaschenteufel. Juho got his revenge, winning this time even though I scored tons of points during the last two rounds. It was fun, I took the bottle only once during the four rounds. This time we had four players, I’d say the game is equally brilliant with three or four.

Then it was time for a rare treat: Sticheln with more than three players! It was very interesting… We had time for only three rounds, but that was action enough. First round was pretty nice — nobody got hurt badly. In the second round, it was my time to suffer. I took in something like 30 points of misery cards. Oops. Well, that was nothing. The last round was a massacre. First of all — three of us took the same misery colour. I was one of them, but fortunately avoided taking misery cards. Ilari and Ari shared the green cards… It looked like Juho got out of it without getting hurt, but I think it was the second to last trick when he got 21 misery points. Oops. The result was pretty surprising: I won!

That was great fun and while I still appreciate Sticheln as a very close and exciting three-player game, I should definitely play more games with more players.

6 responses to “Café Games: Go, Flaschenteufel, Sticheln”

  1. Fantasiapelit has 20e copies of Citadels. I picked one up but then realized that the back cover was all in Finnish.
    Mikko, does Citadels have alot of text? Should I go back and get the English copy? Or do you think that the cards will all be in English?

  2. No idea whatsoever, I didn’t even know there was any Finnish version made. I’m happy with my Ohne Furcht und Adel, that’s the right version for me…

  3. Fantasiapelit has translated some Fantasy Flight Games and the ones I know are King’s Gate and Citadels. The website for Fantasiapelit says that the 20 euro version of Citadels is the finnish one and I’m quite sure that the card texts in it are finnish.
    According to their website the english version is out of stock but can be ordered separately (price 25e). SafeHaven sells the english version for 20 euros but I don’t know if they have it in stock at the moment.
    I hope that helped

  4. Thanks Mikko & Stefu!
    Well, Im heading there today and see if they’ll let me exchange it. I hate buying from Fantasiapelit, their TGOO selection is a bit bigger but their prices are shit. Giganten at Safe Haven 29e, at Fantasiapelit…60e! Both were german versions. I would have gotten Citadels from Safe Haven but he was out of it.

  5. dear mikko
    I would like to send you my game here I call it a coffee house game check it out on my web site and give me your mailing address and i will send you one.
    sincerely yours joe weaver

  6. dear mikko
    I would like to send you my game here I call it a coffee house game check it out on my web site and give me your mailing address and i will send you one.
    sincerely yours joe weaver