1830 and 1873 over

Finished more play-by-email 18xx games. Four-player 1830 was a disaster — well, to everybody but Kimmo, who won 2187-834-703-426 after a bankruptcy. The three of us were all close to bankruptcy, but it was Neeme who eventually pulled the trigger. He could’ve passed a train between two companies, but there’s not much point to it, when the results were this clear. I didn’t do well… I started NYNH, dumped it, started NYC and B&M… but I had to buy a Diesel. Well, that happens.

18301873 Harzbahn was a curious beast. It’s very different from other 18xx games. Everything is different. There are mines, mining companies, railroad companies, different kind of railroad companies… 2-share companies, 5-share companies, 10-share companies. Trains all operate like diesels, running very long routes. I learnt a lesson or two on how to build railroad networks in this game.

Adam Badura who won our game wrote a session report: First game of 5 players. You can go read it for more details.

My verdict? Interesting game. I’ll play more, definitely (well, I’m in two other games right now). Might even buy it, just to support the designer, if not to play, particularly if I end up playing this more as PBEM. The initial auction is much more interesting and flexible than in 18EU, and the operating rounds are interesting and challenging in a fresh way.

1873 Harzbahn

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