Hot Games for Q3/2006
Here’s a list of hottest games for the third quarter of 2006 for me. This is based on number of plays, my enjoyment of the game and the novelty value, so new games tend to show up higher on the list. You can also check the previous quarter, with completely different games. Memoir ’44 —…
Hot games for Q2/2006
Here’s a list of hottest games for the second quarter of 2006 for me. This is based on number of plays, my enjoyment of the game and the novelty value, so new games tend to show up higher on the list. You can also check the previous quarter, with completely different games. Thurn und Taxis…
Hot games for Q1/2006
Here’s a list of hottest games for first quarter of 2006 for me. This is based on number of plays, my enjoyment of the game and the novelty value, so new games tend to show up higher on the list. Einfach Genial — I played quite a lot of this in BSW, where it’s a…
My favourite designers
Larry Levy had a column in Boardgame News called Rating the designers. He wrote about two different approaches to rating the designers, Knizia approach (counting a sum-based score from ratings given to designer’s games) and Seyfarth approach (counting an average). First approach favours someone like Knizia, who has a wide repertoire of games with varying…
Gaming year 2005
Here’s my traditional year end review. However, I’ve worked the format a bit, hopefully so it’s more interesting for other people to read. I was inspired by Mark Johnson’s post back in 2004, so thanks to Mark! Here’s the deal: first I’ll list the 2005 publications I enjoyed. Then come older games I played for…
How to recognise hot games
Let us enter the SuperGeek Zone. Everybody knows Huber happiness, right? It’s a metric of how much happiness you get out of a game. It’s calculated as (game rating — baseline) * average length in minutes * number of games played. Ratings and baseline are on scale from 1 to 10, baseline is typically 4.5.…
StreetSoccer ratings
When I walked to work today, I thought about StreetSoccer. I don’t count the play-by-web games in my statistics, but if I did, StreetSoccer would be second on my most-played games list; I’ve so far played 270 games at Little Golem. Early on my career my rating dipped down to below 1400 (it’s an ELO…
Games of 2004
Another year gone, another report of year’s activities. Once more, there’s probably more information than anyone wants to know, but it’s more for me anyway. Once again I played more than 100 different games — 113 to be precise. That’s less than last year, but then again, I played overall less games this year. Numbers…
Some statistics
I thought I’d entertain you with some statistics. This has nothing to do with games, but my blog, so feel free to skip this one. Anyway, I took everything I had written to Gameblog and wrote a program to count it. According to my counts, I’ve written about 135 000 words before this entry. That’s…
Tournament scoring system
There’s been some talk on Spielfrieks about tournament scoring systems. Paul Sauberer suggested awarding chances at prize draw, instead of ranking points. Now that’s a neat idea! It could be worth using sometimes. Paul’s idea of five chances for winner with some bonuses for the length of games sounds good, too. That way winning every…