Category: Statistical lunacy

  • New features at game profiler

    I got very good and constructive feedback from Iain Cheyne and have now started to implement his ideas to the Game Profiler. At the moment they are concentrated on the users’ side. It’s now possible to leave fields empty. As a default, the system gives results from the top 100 list only. If you want,…

  • Game profiler beta

    A beta version of the game profiler is available. Try it out and tell me what you think about it. New additions include ability to choose whether something is more or less important to you, making it weigh more or less, respectively, in the final results. I think the user interface looks nice, but tell…

  • Gamer profile system moves on

    Another day at work coming to an end and some more work done on the project (my job is mostly waiting for someone to call me and ask me to help them — happens maybe once every two days or so). It’s starting to shape up. And the project has attracted some interest (as you…

  • Request for comments

    The profile project moves on. I got a list of game names from Aaron Fuegi’s great Top 100 list, so that’s one thing less to do. Thanks to Aaron! First move is to get the games graded. I’ve been working on that today. The first version of the form is out there for you to…

  • Gamer profile

    I’m always trying to come up with new ideas to develop our gaming group. To help newcomers find their future favourite games, I’ve come up with this idea (actually, it’s stolen from someone on the Spielfrieks list) of gamer profiles and matching games to gamers. I’ve graded all the games on five categories: luck element,…

  • Happiness

    I thought I wasn’t quite that crazy to count the happiness product of my games played, but it turns out I was. Of course, I count all the games I play. I have also graded every game on a scale of 1-10. Now the obvious step is to count which game has produced most enjoyment:…