Category: More about games

  • Halli Galli

    Here’s my Finnish Halli Galli review. Halli Galli is an entertaining speed game. Each player has a deck of cards. The cards are turned over one by one in turn, so that each player has a discard pile in front of them. Whenever the top cards of the piles show exactly five fruits of a…

  • Australia

    Finnish review of Australia. Australia is a potential victim for too high expectations. After all, Kramer and Kiesling are responsible for the mask trilogy (Tikal, Java, Mexica) and Australia seems to fit with that group. However, that’s not the case. Australia is clearly a lighter game (even lighter than Mexica), aimed at the family market.…

  • Thurn und Taxis

    Review of Thurn und Taxis in Finnish. Thurn und Taxis is the latest game from Andreas Seyfarth (and his wife Karen) of Puerto Rico fame. It’s not a heavy gamer game, but more directed to the Spiel des Jahres audiences. As the game is named after the post empire family Thurn und Taxis, players are…

  • A new favourite

    Verflixxt is the new household favourite around here. I played it yesterday with Johanna and it was already our fourth game in a relatively short time. She won — I think she’s won three out of four or so, she’s pretty good. It’s an ideal game to play every now and then, really: it plays…

  • Mykerinos

    Played a game yesterday; here’s the review of Mykerinos in Finnish. Session report coming up! Mykerinos is the latest game from Ystari and the most recent Finnish release from It’s nice to see Finnish companies teaming up with foreign publishers to get games released in Finland the same time they’re published abroad. Designed by…

  • Manila

    Another Finnish review up: Manila. Manila is an exciting game of gambling in the black market ports of Manila. Players bet on punts that arrive bringing goods in. Unfortunately not all of them make it to the harbour and it’s up to players to bet on which punts make it and which don’t. One of…

  • Memoir ’44 goes Pacific

    Memoir ’44: Pacific Theatre is coming! The rules (pdf) are already available. Here’s a short list of what new the game will contain: Japanese troops are superb. They don’t retreat — they always ignore one retreat flag extra. In caves they ignore all retreat flags. When doing a Close Assault with a full-strength unit, they…

  • Diabolo

    Here’s a review of Diabolo in Finnish. Diabolo is a light-weight card game from Michael Schacht, the designer of Coloretto, one of the more popular filler card games. Diabolo is a struggle between heaven and hell. Players play cards on the table trying to influence the five colours in game. Cards can be played on…

  • First comments on Mykerinos

    I got a review copy of Mykerinos today. Designed by Nicholas Oury, it’s the latest release from Ystari. My copy is the Scandinavian edition from, which is a nice touch. Mykerinos is about archeological digs in Egypt, but basically it’s a fairly simple area majority game. Players play influence tokens on lots in Egypt,…

  • That’s Life!, Verflixxt! or Sellaista sattuu

    Here’s a review of Sellaista sattuu, the Finnish edition of Verflixxt! / That’s Life!. That’s Life! is a roll and move game from Wolfgang Kramer and Michael Kiesling, better known from their more serious line of action point games (Tikal, Java and Mexica). However, That’s Life! is a pure family game; no more, no less.…