Tag: Dominion

  • Gaming Year 2018

    2018 was the year of the two-player card game. Look at my top three played games: Magic: the Gathering, KeyForge and Shards of Infinity, all with more than fifty plays. When I look at my lists, it feels like I mostly played new games this year. I managed to do that in moderation, though: we’re…

  • For the Crown

    This review is based on a review copy, kindly offered by Victory Point Games. The game: For the Crown (second edition) by Jeremy Lennert, published by Victory Point Games in 2012. Elevator pitch: Chess meets Dominion: a game of Chess, where you start with just a king and build up your army using a simple deck-building mechanism. What’s in the box? A slipcase…

  • Qin, Coup, Dominion: Dark Ages

    Nice game session yesterday. I had to leave early so my wife could go visit some neighbours – in what turned out to be an Amway sales attempt. Ugh. Fortunately I got to start early, too, and got a good batch of games: Glory to Rome, twice with a newbie. I think I prefer more…

  • Gaming Year 2012

    Another year gone. Good years keep on rolling – I rather enjoyed 2011, and have no complaints about 2012. My kids continued to be good playing company. My son is now six and half, and is ready for some proper family games. I started introducing him to card games, as well, and that worked well.…

  • Container full of Fresh Fish

    Last week we played Container and Fresh Fish. Container is one of those games that divide opinions, but we’ve got some fans of the game. I like it, the free-wheeling process of manufacturing, buying, selling and shipping just works. I like the way the economy depends on the players: if players waste money, the economy…

  • Elder Signs of Kansas Pacific

    Two weeks of games. Last week I expected two players, but we got third. Good that I hadn’t prepared with strictly two-player affairs. Dominion: Hinterlands. I’m a Dominion fan, so I like the new expansion. Simple as that. It sure is no Alchemy. There are several interesting cards. Fool’s Gold (money; first played on turn…

  • Puzzle Strike and gambling starlords

    Puzzle Strike. Three more games. These were the best games so far. I played well, I think, winning two out of three. The games were well-fought and exciting. A tad long at 30 minutes or so each, but they didn’t drag on. I suppose there’s a good game in there. Going to play more today. Suggest.…

  • Weekend in Jyväskylä

    Last weekend in Jyväskylä was unusually active with board games. I had couple of games with me and managed to play several games of Puzzle Strike and some Stone Age, too. Stone Age was a bit of a hit, my mother in particular enjoyed it (like I guessed she would). And why not, it’s a…

  • Leaders of Cornucopia

    Last Wednesday saw the first tests of two hot new expansions, Dominion: Cornucopia and 7 Wonders: Leaders. We played two games of Dominion, both with lots of Cornucopia cards. These seem fine to me. Tournament is apparently one of the strongest cards in the set and one of the strongest cards in the whole game,…

  • Last weekend: 7 Wonders, Dominion, Agricola

    Last weekend was another visit to Jyväskylä. I had bought them a copy of Dominion: Prosperity before — since most of my Dominion plays happen in Jyväskylä, I want to have those cards available. I didn’t take anything new with me, since there’s a decent collection of games available already. Here’s what we played: Dominion…