Tag: Jyväskylä

  • Jyväskylä visit: Black Vienna, Cuba

    I visited my mom at Jyväskylä with Nooa. Thanks to Easter, we stayed for three days, which — of course! — presented us with more opportunities for games (two evenings and Nooa’s nap time on Saturday). That in mind, I brought some new games to try. Black Vienna was a major hit. It went down…

  • Agricola, Xiangqi and video games

    I visited Jyväskylä last weekend. Agricola was a must after last time. This time the boys were out of town, so it was just me, my mother and Ismo. We managed to play two games, first one taking 60 minutes and second one just 50 minutes. That’s very nice efficiency and certainly reinforces Chris Farrell’s…

  • Visiting Jyväskylä: Villa Paletti, Da Vinci Code, Agricola

    I was visiting my parents in Jyväskylä this weekend and as usual, games were played. We started already in the afternoon with Villa Paletti. I like the game, and this reminded me why. It’s just so much fun. The last game we played was particularly delicious. The lowest level was supported by three small pillars:…

  • Caylus Magna Carta in Jyväskylä

    I’m in Jyväskylä now with Nooa, I took the boy to see his grandparents. It’s been a double vacation — Johanna gets some time off as she stayed home, while it’s been pretty lazy for me too, as Nooa has been quite beguiled by Raija and Ismo. No visit without games, right? After we got…

  • Weekend games: Scotland Yard, Duel Masters, St. Petersburg

    We were visiting my mother at Jyväskylä this weekend and of course, I ended up playing some games. The most interesting game this weekend was Scotland Yard, the very first Spiel des Jahres game I’ve ever played. It was a big hit when I was younger and now my brother had bought it so of…

  • Games at Jyväskylä — expanded Dawn Under

    We were visiting my parents in Jyväskylä this weekend (my grandfather’s 85th birthday party was Saturday). We did play some games, as well. Ismo and Raija joined me for a game of Dawn Under. I sold them my English copy, now I have the Finnish edition. I wanted to try my brand new Frische Luft…

  • Weekend of Industrial Waste (with some Dvonn)

    I was visiting Jyväskylä last weekend. In addition to some surprisingly pleasing physical work (painting boards and a wall, building scaffolding), we played lots of games. During the years, I’ve introduced several games with variable success. Some have been huge hits (Puerto Rico and St. Petersburg are the most notable examples). Sometimes there have been…

  • Games weekend in Jyväskylä: Mhing!

    I visited Jyväskylä last weekend and played quite a few games. I had just few games with me, so the games were repeated more than usually. That’s different and to be honest, I quite enjoyed it. Lost Cities: I brought a brand-new Finnish copy of the game as a mother’s day gift and ended up…

  • Jyväskylä game weekend

    Last weekend in Jyväskylä was good gaming time. As usual, I brought a bunch on games we played a lot. It’s refreshingly different, playing the same games over and over again instead of playing a variety of games just once or twice. I won’t bother with detailed session reports, but here’s a rundown of the…

  • Weekend games: Fifth Avenue

    The weekend is over and I finally have time to write about the games I played. The first thing we tried was the game I was most interested about: Fifth Avenue. And yeah, it was interesting. After one game, my initial rating is eight, which is pretty good considering Fifth Avenue’s a bit low average…