Tag: KGS

  • Adventures in KGS

    Once again I play Go and get my ass kicked by lower-ranked opponents. Of course it only means my rating is still too high… Rating players is certainly an interesting and fuzzy subject. I doubt there can be a totally satisfied rating system, if the ratings are only deduced from the played games. It doesn’t…

  • Go

    Two more games of Go at KGS. Lost both of them. In the first one I just played badly, second one was more close. It was rather exciting match for interesting reasons: when we started the game, server was going to shut down in 30 minutes. We finished a minute before the server shutdown… The…

  • Online Go

    Ok, so I go online at KGS to play some Go, and who I meet? Juho! My regular Monday games opponent! It was certainly interesting… Juho has a KGS ranking of 21k, I was 12k. When we play face-to-face, I give one stone handicap, not nine… We’re both ranked wrong there. I gave Juho six…

  • Go Quitters

    I played three games of Go today at the KGS. I won all three, but my satisfaction is dimmed by the nature of my victories. All three were resignations. The first two were kind of ok, because I was winning. Especially in the second I had just created a large living group inside my opponent’s…

  • Games played today: Attika and Go

    I played some more Attika today on BSW. This time it was a three-player game, which I managed to win by building my 30 buildings first. It was a much longer game than the two before — 70 minutes as compared to the 20 minutes games I played earlier. One of my opponents played for…

  • Bringing my rank down

    Played some Go today. I’m trying to bring my KGS rank down a bit. I’m just not 15 kyu. Today I lost a game (a bit over forty points — I lost 24 stones as captures!) to a 12 kyu, which dropped me down to 17 kyu. I guess I should sooner or later hit…

  • Go action

    I played some Go yesterday. I went to Kiseido Go Server to look for an opponent and found a Finnish 11k player. Loss was to be expected, with my higher than it should be ranking. Afterwards, he gave me some advice on how to improve my game, which is always nice. That also got me…

  • Go

    It’s been a while since I played Go at the Kiseido Go Server. Well, I did today. For some reason my rating has crept up while I haven’t played, so I found out I was rated as a 17 kyu player. Which is kind of funny, as I’m 28 kyu at Dragon Go Server and…

  • Go

    I played a game of Go on KGS. It was a very interesting game, which I — to my surprise — won. I even submitted to the Go Teaching Ladder to be reviewed. It’ll be interesting. So, now I’m 25k? in KGS. I still would love to get rid of the question mark… The sgf…

  • Go

    I played a fairly interesting game of Go at Kiseido. My opponent was ranked one kyu lower than me, but I started the game pretty badly. However, at one point he didn’t kill a large group of my stones (which he could’ve done and at which point I would’ve resigned) and I was able to…