Tag: Mahjong

  • Thursday session: Mahjong

    We met yesterday for a session of Mahjong using the Chinese Official rules. Since the skill level in our table was very low — some Mahjong experience, but no COIR experience — we didn’t use the minimum point rule, which is a pain if you don’t know the scoring elements well. It was a fun…

  • Chinese Official Mahjong links

    Chinese Official International Mahjong rules is an interesting rule set to Mahjong, sanctioned by Chinese authorities. Seems like a well-rounded set of rules, with a minimum winning score and some rather interesting scoring hands (shifted chows and knitted sets, particularly). Few relevant links: Chinese Official Mahjong rules, a rulebook in PDF World-Class Mahjong with World…

  • Cider gaming: Cosmic Eidex, Mhing

    Yesterday’s game session was motivated by cider. Some local pubs have cider weeks right now and being such a cider fan as I am, I wanted to check out their real cider — it was called Broadside or Broadwinds, don’t know for sure. It was good (though not superior to Weston’s Old Rosie), as were…

  • Games weekend in Jyväskylä: Mhing!

    I visited Jyväskylä last weekend and played quite a few games. I had just few games with me, so the games were repeated more than usually. That’s different and to be honest, I quite enjoyed it. Lost Cities: I brought a brand-new Finnish copy of the game as a mother’s day gift and ended up…

  • Ta Yü

    I wrote a review of Ta Yü. It’s in Finnish, as usual. Ta Yü is one of the most beautiful games in my collection. I just love the plastic tiles, which remind me of Mahjong. It’s the same kind of heavy plastic. The game, which is an abstract game with German origins, does a pretty…

  • Saturday Night Mahjong

    The whole last year passed without a single game of Mahjong! To fix the error, I got a group of people together to play a proper, long game. Ville, Laura, Robert and Ari heeded the call. I think five is a good number of players, even though Mahjong is very much of a four-player game.…

  • Game idea

    For the last few days, I’ve been thinking about an auction game idea. It just might have something to do with the fact that I played Ra Friday and enjoyed it a lot… Anyway, I’m eager to test my ideas. If it works out, I’ll publish the game on my web site. The game is…

  • Computer games & Mah Jong

    You won’t see me writing about computer games often; I don’t play them much and when I play, it’s usually just to kill time. Of course, there’s no better way to kill time than to play Civilization (or Alpha Centauri) — oops, there goes another six hours… During the last few years, I’ve only bought…