Tag: Oregon

  • Top 10 tile laying games

    I did a list of top 10 tile-laying games. I’ve defined tile laying much more strictly than the BoardGameGeek tile placement game mechanism list does. I’m looking for games where tile laying or tile placement is the main mechanism. The game should be about laying tiles, with spatial relationships between tiles being important: either connections…

  • Gaming Year 2012

    Another year gone. Good years keep on rolling – I rather enjoyed 2011, and have no complaints about 2012. My kids continued to be good playing company. My son is now six and half, and is ready for some proper family games. I started introducing him to card games, as well, and that worked well.…

  • Eclipse, Mystery Rummy

    Had to miss our board game session this week – it’s a busy week – but at least I did meet Janne at the circus school. We had more time than usual, as our kids were having a dress rehearsal for the upcoming circus show. I was expecting to be able to watch the rehearsal,…

  • Three weeks of games

    Last three weeks of board games: Kingdom Builder. 14 games, or so. I love this one. Turns out my game group doesn’t, but fortunately this works in other contexts, looks like a staple game for Monday night circus school games and I’m sure this is also welcome at Jyväskylä (five games during one weekend says…

  • Oregon, Fresh Fish, Age of Steam

    I missed yesterday’s games, thanks to a 39-degree fever. Nasty. Last week Petri wasn’t present, so we took the opportunity to play games Petri doesn’t care about that much. Unfortunately that list includes Age of Steam… So, of course, that was the first thing on the list. We played the Poland map from Winsome Games.…

  • Acquire, Age of Industry, Pantheon, Oregon

    Biweekly recap time. Acquire. More Acquire. This one turned out to be a big hit. I sure don’t mind. Won’t be surprised if this hits ten plays this year. Suggest. Age of Industry. I’ve known that Brass is something I should be interested in. Hannu has had Age of Industry since it was published. How come…

  • Puzzle Strike and gambling starlords

    Puzzle Strike. Three more games. These were the best games so far. I played well, I think, winning two out of three. The games were well-fought and exciting. A tad long at 30 minutes or so each, but they didn’t drag on. I suppose there’s a good game in there. Going to play more today. Suggest.…

  • Gaming Year 2011

    2010 was a good year. Well, 2011 was even better. I played more games than on any year on my records. Quality matters, too, but I can control quality more than I can control quantity and if quantity is good, quality tends to be good as well. I played lots of games with my son.…