Tag: promo games

  • New games

    Got Elasund and Farlander from Tactic. Both are interesting games in their own way. Elasund is, of course, the latest game in the Catan franchise. The Catan basics are there (die roll for resource production, building to ten victory points), but outside that it’s something fairly new compared to other Catan games. There’s one aspect…

  • Margin for Error

    I got a copy of Margin for Error to try. It’s a partnership trick-taking game, so it’ll have to wait until the next time I have four players together. It looks simple enough: there’s a captain who decides, whether their team will go for lots of points or no points. Other team tries to mess…

  • First comments on Mykerinos

    I got a review copy of Mykerinos today. Designed by Nicholas Oury, it’s the latest release from Ystari. My copy is the Scandinavian edition from Lautapelit.fi, which is a nice touch. Mykerinos is about archeological digs in Egypt, but basically it’s a fairly simple area majority game. Players play influence tokens on lots in Egypt,…

  • A pleasant kind of interruption

    Here I am, having my breakfast in peace, while the doorbell rings. Who can it be, I wonder, and go and open the door. To my surprise, there’s a mail delivery guy with a rather large and hefty box for me. I open it up and what do I find? Australia, Labyrinth — Die Schatzjagd…

  • Gone fishing with the bugs

    I got review copies of new Marektoy releases. Torakkapokeri aka Bug Bluff aka Kakerlaken-Poker is a very simple game of bluffing. Players give cards to other players face down, claiming them to be something — the player in the receiving end can either take and believe, take and doubt or pass on. Correct guess means…

  • Monumento and a curious design decision

    I scored a review copy of Monumento (also known as Make’n’Break). It’s a Ravensburger release with a rather simple idea. Players have 10 large colourful wooden blocks and a deck of cards. A card is turned from the deck and the player with the blocks must build the pile of blocks described in the card.…

  • Karibik and TransAmerica

    I got a nice packet yesterday. Inside I found two games from Winning Moves, Karibik and TransAmerica and some Kosmos two-player games (Lost Cities and Balloon Cup). What all these games have in common? They are all coming out in Finnish next year and I’m working on the translations. You know how much I like…

  • DaVinci Code

    I finally got a copy of Da Vinci Code aka Coda. For Finnish readers, Suomalainen kirjakauppa has them. This year all we have is a German box with a sticker on it but with Finnish and Swedish rules. Early next year there should be a completely Finnish edition, which is available in the usual stores.…

  • Games keep coming in

    Last Friday I got my copies of Finstere Flure and Attika. I already played Finstere Flure with Johanna. It supports two players officially, but I thought it’d be more interesting if we both played two teams. It was good, light fun and Johanna seemed to enjoy it (though she lost; had she won the game,…

  • New games!

    A mysterious FedEx packet (who on earth would send me a courier packet?) turned out to be a bunch of games from Jolly Roger. I had paid the shipping, but I didn’t expect mere $21 to pay for a delivery to my door. In a week! I expected to get the games in few weeks,…