Tag: Villa Paletti

  • Gaming Year 2018

    2018 was the year of the two-player card game. Look at my top three played games: Magic: the Gathering, KeyForge and Shards of Infinity, all with more than fifty plays. When I look at my lists, it feels like I mostly played new games this year. I managed to do that in moderation, though: we’re…

  • Gaming Year 2012

    Another year gone. Good years keep on rolling – I rather enjoyed 2011, and have no complaints about 2012. My kids continued to be good playing company. My son is now six and half, and is ready for some proper family games. I started introducing him to card games, as well, and that worked well.…

  • Gaming Year 2011

    2010 was a good year. Well, 2011 was even better. I played more games than on any year on my records. Quality matters, too, but I can control quality more than I can control quantity and if quantity is good, quality tends to be good as well. I played lots of games with my son.…

  • Games with kids

    I missed Wednesday games last week, so it’s been a bit quiet. However, I’ve been playing lots of games with Nooa, I’m just lazy blogging about them. Here’s a bit of catch-up on that front: Mouse Carousel. Nine games in couple of days. Nooa is pretty good in this now he’s a bit older. When…

  • Gaming Year 2010

    Gaming year 2009 wasn’t terrific, but 2010 was. By numbers alone, I played a lot more games than last year. However, the biggest reason 2010 will go down in history as a good board game year was Nooa. I played well over hundred games with Nooa — actually, I played with Nooa about as much…

  • Games at Jyväskylä: Mahjong, Agricola

    I went to Jyväskylä with Nooa for the weekend and as usual, it means some games too. Their collection has grown enough that I don’t really have to bring any games with anymore, so this time I just brought a pack of mahjong cards with me. So that’s what we started with, six hands of…

  • Visiting Jyväskylä: Villa Paletti, Da Vinci Code, Agricola

    I was visiting my parents in Jyväskylä this weekend and as usual, games were played. We started already in the afternoon with Villa Paletti. I like the game, and this reminded me why. It’s just so much fun. The last game we played was particularly delicious. The lowest level was supported by three small pillars:…

  • Weekend games, Sunday

    Sunday began with a game of Mamma Mia! with the kids. They’ve become fans quickly, I guess I’ll just have to keep on taking the game with me from now on. I’d also throw a guess that it’s going to appear on the next Adam Spielt order, too… Land Unter, here are the kids. Kids,…

  • Villa Paletti

    I’ve already written a review of Villa Paletti here, but here’s for the Finnish readers: a Finnish review of Villa Paletti.

  • Post-Christmas games: Villa Paletti & Scrabble

    I went “back home” to visit my parents with Johanna. Games couldn’t be avoided, especially since I had given Villa Paletti to my mother as a Christmas present. It turned out to be a good gift — which was expected, since she has always enjoyed Timpuri, a Finnish variant of Jenga. Well, we played a…