Tag: war games

  • 1918: Brother Against Brother

    The game: 1918: Brother Against Brother by Antti Lehmusjärvi. The game was published by Antti’s Linden Lake Games in 2018 after a successful Kickstarter campaign. My copy was on loan from the publisher. As a disclaimer, I know Antti, have used his services as a lawyer and have designed the website for Linden Lake Games. Elevator…

  • End of the Triumvirate

    A review in Finnish of End of the Triumvirate. End of the Triumvirate is a natural three-player game: one player is Caesar, one is Pompeius and one is Crassus. Unlike in real history, the triumvirate couldn’t stop their fighting at the Luca conference, but started a full-blown civil war. Each player is trying to dominate…

  • The Finnish Trilogy

    Mikugames is a new board game designer based in Sweden. He’s been working since 2003 on a game called The Finnish Trilogy: The Finnish Trilogy 1939-1945® consists of three separate, playable wargames in an operational level, that will be about the Finnish struggle during various parts of the Second World War. All three games have…

  • Combat Commander: Europe

    Review of Combat Commander: Europe in Finnish. I’m definitely an eurogamer — fond of fairly simple games that manage to create complex gameplay from a small ruleset. Yet sometimes I want more. This has been particularly true for war games: Memoir ’44 is fun, but ultimately not enough. In the other hand, Advanced Squad Leader…

  • Latest crush

    I’ve got this thing with war games. I’d like to have a tactical level war game in my collection. I like Memoir ’44, it works well for what it tries to be, but I’d like something with more detail, more story to it. However, Advanced Squad Leader and other games like it are way too…

  • Memoir ’44: Pacific Theater

    Review in Finnish. Pacific Theater is the latest expansion for Memoir ’44. Like Eastern Front, it adds new figures, new rules and new scenarios to the basic game. This time the fighting is between the Japanese and the US Marine Corps. Japanese forces never surrender (that is, always ignore the first retreat flag), attack with…

  • Pacific Memoir and rats

    My last board game session this summer involved me, Olli and Memoir ’44: Pacific Theatre. The latest Memoir ’44 expansion turned out to be a blast. We played two scenarios. Japanese counter-attack on Guam was faster thing, while playing through the Iwo Jima Meat Grinder took almost an hour. Both were interesting, well-developed scenarios. The…

  • Farlander

    Farlander reviewed in Finnish. Estonian Revaler published Farlander back in 2002, but now it’s out from Finnish Tactic. This pretty game is warfare as simple as it gets. The medieval theme is pretty stale, but actually the game is very abstract. The game is split into two parts: setup and fighting. In the setup phase,…

  • New game session: Farlander, Terra Nova

    Once again I met Olli for games, this time focusing on new material. We started with Farlander, since Olli had just bumped into it in a shop. The game looks nice, and inside the pretty box lies a simple war game. It’s so simple and minimalistic that I’m having a hard time calling it a…

  • War dreams

    I must confess. The guys at the Board Game Society forums have been talking about Advanced Squad Leader a lot, particularly the starter kits. Despite what I’ve said earlier about preferring these detailed strategy games on computer, I’m feeling a small pining for something like that. EastFront is another example of games that have been…