Kronberger games

I got Tom Tube and Bonobo Beach today. I know Tom Tube to be an excellent game (I’ve played it before) and Bonobo Beach at least looks interesting, despite what people have said about it.

I also did a Finnish translation of Tom Tube (and will do Bonobo Beach/Cronberg). Those should be available at the Kronberger web site sooner or later.

There’s a very neat PC version of Cronberg/Bonobo, check it out if you want to try the game. There’s also a DIY-kit, but the PC gets you nicer bits with less effort. It’s fun, especially as you can play it alone against computers. Hint: If the basic three-player setting (human, baby bot, deep green bot) seems too difficult, change the seating of the bots so you that you play after the idiot bot — it makes a world of difference!

So, after few rounds of computer play, I’d say Bonobo is almost as fun as Tom Tube.

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3 responses to “Kronberger games”

  1. Bonobo Beach is a fun filler game. I agree the PC version is very nice, although I find the computer opponents very weak. I beat them 9 games out of 10.

  2. I’ve been trouncing the computer opponents in Bonobo Beach, too (and I’m usually a poor strategist at such things). I couldn’t figure out any way to change which computer players are your default opponents (you can do so manually with a dropdown box), but you can edit each of those canned opponents to make them more challenging.

  3. Hello Mark!
    I am the programmer of the pc version. In the next update of the game, your default opponents will be saved. Thanks for your suggestion! As this is a spare time project, it may take some more month for a major update (e.g. with more stable network functions), but I am considering about a minor update with small improvements. If you have any other suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
    Best regards,