Tag: review

  • Bug Bluff, Doom, Industrial Waste

    I’ve been writing little game reviews recently. When I spend most of my time at the computer writing, that isn’t the most attractive way to spend my free time, right? However, now I just had to get these few games out of my system. Bug Bluff — This must be one of the pretties card…

  • Bang!

    Latest review on my Finnish site: Bang! Quick and dirty English review: Bang! is an interesting game, with a solid theme. The underlying mechanics, which have more than little in common with Werewolf are less impressive. I prefer games with more structure and less fun, or else the fun must be more spectacular. More like,…

  • Dos Rios

    Two new reviews up on the Finnish site: Dos Rios and Trivial Pursuit. Dos Rios is a brilliant example of a tactical minmax-game action point game. Every turn is a puzzle, where you must find the best way to use the action points you’re given to maximise your own score and minimise your opponents’ scores.…

  • Fresh Fish

    Here’s the 100th review of my Finnish site: Fresh Fish. Fresh Fish is a neat game. I like it a lot. It’s a tile placement game, but with a twist: rarely is a tile-placement game so focused on the squares where the tiles are not placed! The goal of the game is to connect one’s…

  • Cluzzle

    A while ago I got a review copy of Cluzzle, which I’ve now reviewed: review of Cluzzle. In Finnish, as usual. Cluzzle is a party game, where players sculpt riddles of clay (they’re clay puzzles or cluzzles). An ideal riddle is not too hard and not too easy. Everybody creates a cluzzle to start with…

  • Fifth Avenue

    I got some extra time, so as a result, you’ll get another review on the Finnish site: Fifth Avenue.´ I haven’t played Fifth Avenue much, but I think I have it pretty well nailed down. It’s certainly not bad as some have claimed — there are interesting decisions and good tension. However, for various reasons…

  • Niagara

    Next up in my Finnish review site: Niagara. While Zoch is well-known for games with good presentation, Niagara is an extremely pretty game. From the first pictures I saw from the Essen fair 2004 I knew I had to see this game in action. I was not disappointed: the clever board (go see the pictures…

  • Monumento, High Society

    Monumento was the last game I reviewed on the old site and High Society is the first one on the new. Monumento (or Make’n’Break) is a very simple dexterity game. The player in turn takes ten large colourful wooden blocks and a deck of cards. When the timer is started, he or she turns up…

  • Memoir ’44

    I wrote a lengthy review of Memoir ’44, in Finnish, as usual. I don’t think there’s much need for me to write a review of Memoir ’44 — just go and read the 20 or so reviews the Geek already has. The game has pretty good ratings and a ranking of 8th in the Geek…

  • Pirate’s Cove

    I wrote a review of Pirate’s Cove (in Finnish; review number 92!). I like Pirate’s Cove. I like the fancy bits (I think it’s one of the prettiest games I’ve ever seen), the theme is great and the game is simply a blast to play. However, I’m still rating it as 7. The game’s main…