Category: Less about games

  • Playing cards and Dominion

    Image via Wikipedia Here’s something geeky: an inventory of my playing cards. Tarock (54 cards) Wiener Veduten Tarock (Piatnik gift set w/ booklet) Nr. 1934 (Piatnik) Nr. 1936 (Piatnik) Das Constitutions Tarock (Piatnik) Cego (ASS) Grazer Tarock (Piatnik) Allerfeinste Kaffeehaus Tarock, nr. 1909 (Piatnik) Luxus Tarock, nr. 1903 (Piatnik) Tarot (78 cards) Versailles (Carta Mundi)…

  • Board game auction

    Today ends our large board game auction. We have couple of hundred games for sale. See the auction at Lautapeliopas. Feel free to participate, if you understand the instructions and can pick up your games at Helcon or from me. I made a huge inventory cleanup for the auction, I’m selling over 40 games. Lots…

  • Dominion box

    I built myself a new box for Dominion. I found the plans in Geek, but had to fix them a bit — for one, the suggested length of 285 mm is huge, my box is slightly too short at 210 mm, correct length with Ultra Pro soft sleeves should be something like 230 mm to…

  • Hobby Games: The 100 Best

    This post contains affiliate links to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Affiliate links are marked with a €. I’m a tad late with this, I know, but I just finished reading Hobby Games: The 100 Best, which I liked a lot. It’s a collection of hundred short essays on games.…

  • Gaming year 2008

    So, how was the year? Pretty wild, if you ask me. (See Gaming Year 2007.) Good new games (2007-2008 games) Dominion — Well, I played 28 games of this, and most of them outside BrettSpielWelt. That’s a pretty nice number, considering how late this game arrived. Everybody likes it, or at least doesn’t mind playing…

  • Current affairs

    Boardgaming Finland has done their first podcast in English. It’s an interview of Jussi Autio from Tuonela Productions, the creators of The Club. I’m using Twitter these days, I’m msaari there. Actually, my priority feed is in (msaari there as well), I just automatically copy everything to Twitter as it’s the more popular service.…

  • Definition of skill in games

    Dutch professor Ben van der Genugten has created a formula for calculating the skill level of a game. He has used it in Dutch courts to help determine that fantasy sports games are games of skill and now he’s using it to argue that poker is a game of skill, too. (See Leading Professor Rekindles…

  • West Riding for sale

    I’ve got a copy of Winsome Games’ West Riding for sale and it’s ridiculously cheap for something that difficult to find: just 20 euros (under $30), including economy shipping anywhere in the world. If you want it, just head to the BoardGameGeek Marketplace.

  • Lazyweb translation request

    I’m doing a translation here and got stumped by a word. Are there any Germans reading this blog? If someone could help me translate “sofortlosspieler, I would be most grateful. I understand the parts of the word, but can’t figure out what it actually means as a whole.

  • Hot games for Q2/2008

    Continuing from the previous round… Glory to Rome takes the spot as the hottest game of the quarter, by far: it has double the hotness points the second game on the list has. And why not? It’s new and it’s very, very good. I’ve played four games, once each with two, three, four and five…