Category: More about games

  • Nodwick: The Card Game

    A review of Nodwick: The Card Game is available. It’s in Finnish. I’ve written a preview of the game earlier, if you want to know more about the game but can’t understand Finnish. I like the game, but I do acknowledge it’s very dependant on the players. With some crowds, it just drags on pointlessly.…

  • Black Vienna

    I was so intrigued by Black Vienna that I decided to make my own copy (there’s no way I’m paying 60 euros for the game). Instead of using the cards available at the Geek, I made my own cards. I didn’t like the pictures and the font used and besides, the colour cards wouldn’t look…

  • Age of Steam maps

    Age of Steam will get another expansion set in the Autumn (it’ll be published at Essen, like the previous one). The double-sided map includes Scandinavia and Korea. This information is from French Gone Cardboard site and confirmed by Martin Wallace, who also told me the Scandinavian map doesn’t include Finland. Also, the Western US and…

  • Hammer of the Scots, rules v.2.0

    As I promised earlier, I hereby announce the version 2.0 rules for Hammer of the Scots have finally been published. You can go get them from Columbia Games Hammer web site. I don’t have Acrobat Reader installed on this computer, so I haven’t taken a look at them, but if they incorporate the changes mentioned…

  • Hexen Werk starting rule

    This is the rule regarding starting player from Hexen Werk by Yun Games: "The player who resembles a witch best begins the game. In case no player looks like a witch, the player with the biggest nose will start. In case all have similar sized noses and no one looks like a witch, oldest player…

  • Hammer of the Scots

    I wrote a review of Hammer of the Scots in Finnish. I think Hammer of the Scots is a first-class game. It’s pretty straightforward to learn, easy to play, doesn’t take too long and the theme is interesting. If you don’t like cardboard chits (I generally don’t), worry not, because the Columbia blocks are very…

  • SpielByWeb Wallenstein

    We started a game of Wallenstein at SpielByWeb. Iain said it’s good, I’ve been interested in the game and somebody suggested starting a game at Pelilista, so why not! So far the implementation looks well done. I haven’t really figured out the game, but it’s a practise round… If you’re interested to see how I’m…

  • Mexica

    I wrote a review of Mexica (in Finnish). I also created a Finnish piecepack page, which gives some basic information about piecepack, lists the games I’ve tried and has some links. Mexica is part of the mask-trilogy (other games in the trilogy are Tikal and Java) and a rather good part, too. Actually, I think…

  • Selling games

    I’ve sold some games of mine. Finnish readers might want to consult the list of games I’m selling or trading. It feels good, to get rid of useless games I no longer play. I’ve sold my German Settlers of Catan (I’m selling the English copy as well, hoping to replace them with Finnish version when…

  • Games keep coming my way

    Even though I don’t have any money to buy games, I keep getting them by other means. Looks like I’ll get a copy of Alan Moon’s Ticket to Ride to translate. That’ll be interesting, because I’m intrigued about the game. It’s the comments that say "this is what TransAmerica should’ve been" — I was badly…