Category: Session reports

  • Die Macher — at last!

    Here we go! Last week it looked a bit like there wasn’t going to be a game at all, but at the last moment I got some players. Unfortunately there was one cancellation, but we got three-player game going and that was good enough for me. I started to explain the rules at about 2…

  • BSW session

    I play at BrettSpielWelt every now and then (my name there is Mikko) and today was one of those occasions. I played two games of Puerto Rico and a game of TransAmerica. Both of the Puerto Rico games were three-player games. First one ended before I noticed — I was a victim of the confusing…

  • Another lost game of Go + some escaping from Alcatraz

    Another game of Go, another loss to Janne. This time the numbers were more to my favour, 62-75. It was quite an interesting game, actually — Janne started killing one of my groups right away and actually managed to do it — when he did it, the group was about 20 stones. However, I got…

  • Second game of Go

    We played another game of Go yesterday. This time the stones weren’t on my side: Janne beat me 76 to 51 (I was black, he gave me again 9 stones handicap). I managed to build a very nice and large territory in the middle of the board, but that was pretty much all I got.…

  • Go game yesterday

    Well, I did play a game of Go yesterday. We played on a 19×19 board and Janne gave me handicap of nine stones (he’s about 15k, I’m about 25k). It was an interesting and pretty close match, which I eventually won by 4 points. I had more separate batches of territory, but he had about…

  • Weekend gaming

    This weekend I visited my parents and played games with them. I also tested my new game recording system: I bought a small notebook which I dedicated to making notes on my games. Before I’ve made notes in my calendar, this way they are a bit more permanent and I can have more room to…

  • Card games at a café

    Here’s the session report I promised. Three of my friends (Laura, Ville and Olli) showed up and we had some tea (Chinese Gunpowder, didn’t like it), soft drinks (Dr. Pepper, I loved it) and card games at a local café. The café was a pretty good environment — it was very quiet (but a bit…

  • Games I’ve played recently

    Few words on some games I’ve played recently: Two days ago I tried out Puerto Rico in the Brettspielwelt, the German online board game server. Puerto Rico must’ve been a tough conversion, but they’ve done reasonable job cramming all that information on such a small screen. The building menu is hidden well and can’t be…