Category: More about games

  • Expansions: Finca and Agricola

    Yesterday’s games were about expansions to familiar games. First up was a two-player game of Finca with the El Razul expansion. It’s a bunch of elements that make small changes in the game: Wildcard tile on windmill gives you any fruit you want. Makes things easier and the game a bit faster, perhaps. El Razul…

  • Finnish Players’ Picks 2010

    Again it took me about six months to get to it, but: Finnish Players’ Picks 2010 geeklist is up. Check it out to see what were the favourites of Finnish gamers in 2009–2010 season.

  • Children’s games update

    I haven’t been blogging about playing games with Nooa, but that’s a fairly big part of my gaming (and counting games played, the majority of what I play). Here’s some recent highlights. Kids of Carcassonne. Nooa loves this one these days and suggests it a lot. The box says 20 minutes, which is far off…

  • Through the Ages and 18xx

    I’ve been playing some Through the Ages recently on Boardgaming Online. Turns out it’s one of those games I like less the more I play. The way the civilizations are built and everything is abstracted I still consider brilliant, but I’m getting more and more frustrated in the military aspects of the game. It’s the…

  • Games with kids

    I missed Wednesday games last week, so it’s been a bit quiet. However, I’ve been playing lots of games with Nooa, I’m just lazy blogging about them. Here’s a bit of catch-up on that front: Mouse Carousel. Nine games in couple of days. Nooa is pretty good in this now he’s a bit older. When…

  • Notes on 7 Wonders

    We played seven games of 7 Wonders this weekend, all with four or three players. Less is better, what comes to players. There’s more control, more cards come back to you and you can more easily focus on your opponents as well. The game plays fast with experience. It does feel a bit samey. Seven…

  • Dominion Online

    Dominion Online at is a rather cool way to play Dominion online. It’s very elegant, all monospaced text, and works like a charm. It has all cards, every card from every set and promos too. The user interface is mostly intuitive, and certainly better than what Brettspielwelt has to offer. I used it to…

  • 1865: Sardinia

    I read through the rules of a new 18xx game, 1865: Sardinia, by Alessandro Lala. It sounds very promising! It’s a smallish game, 2–4 players, with interesting details. Here are some highlights: The game looks great, it’s done by Cory of 18AL remake fame The stock market has outside investors, who buy and sell shares…

  • New rules for WYPS

    A new WYPS championship season started on Little Golem recently and I was more than surprised when my words weren’t accepted. A little bit of investigation solved the problem: the rules had changed. Previously, words could snake around on the board, now they have to be in straight lines. Also, the first one to connect…

  • Shopping – final list

    Here’s what I ended up getting this season: Winsome Essen set. Almost missed this, but fortunately everything’s now secure. I’m most interested in SNCF, which should be sweet, but Texas & Pacific is also interesting. West Riding Revisited less so, as I didn’t fancy the old West Riding and I don’t really need more long…