My new Funkenschlag board
First: entry #300! Yea! I’ve got a new Funkenschlag board now. I printed out the tiled map from Geek, glued it on cardboard and then covered it with plastic. Johanna was a great help in that process, she did the difficult part of getting the plastic on the cardboard without air bubbles… Thanks to her,…
The Sumo Counter Hall of Fame
The Sumo Counter Hall of Fame is a hall of fame for modern classic boardgames. Modern means anything younger than 50 years. Current list is indeed quite impressive. Anyway, they’re voting in two new games this year. Everyone is invited to participate — the more voters they have, the better are the results. Voting form…
Project Funkenschlag
I haven’t even played Funkenschlag yet, but I’m determined to create a better map for it. The plastic map and the crayons are just too annoying. Today I did some tests to figure out how to make a better map. To be more precise, what material to use to cover the printed map which I…
Superiority of computer games
I’ve been playing computer games recently. The reason is my new 70% mechanical gaming keyboard and computer’s better performance. I’ve been enjoying Silent Hill 2 (very scary), Neverwinter Nights (very Dungeons & Dragons) and watched Johanna play The Longest Journey. All are rather entertaining, but still — I like board games better. Of course, no…
Birthday gift: A House Divided
My mother gave me A House Divided as a birthday gift (my birthday is today — I’m 23 now). It was on my wish list (AHD, Wallenstein and Battle Cry — a bit militaristic list), so it wasn’t totally out of the blue. And it sure looks good. Phalanx Games has done a great work…
Space Walk
I wrote a review of Space Walk (in Finnish). I gave it two stars (mediocre), but found nothing wrong in it. It’s a nice little Mancala variant with some neat twists and a rather solid basic movement mechanic, but how long it can entertain you is another thing. It’s a good game for the whole…
Finnish translations
I’ve been doing some updating on the Finnish side of my game stuff. I’m going to pick up my Adam order today and new games means new translations. I’ve already done Crokinole,
When I went to Jyväskylä last weekend, there was not one but two Crokinole boards waiting for me! Ismo had done great work, they were beautiful. One was a round board made of all birch veneer, other one was octagon-shaped with base of MDF board (which meant a nice two-colour look). I took the round…
Finnish Players’ Picks 2003
Finnish gamers have made their choice: Puerto Rico is the best game they have played during the last year. 125 voters, 222 games. Puerto Rico was listed by 47 voters, so it was quite a victory. Second spot went to Carcassonne with 37 votes. See the best games as a geeklist. The Finnish result page…
Check out Anathema, a Casino variant from APE Games. The card art is probably the best I’ve ever seen. But that’s no wonder, as it’s all done by Drew Tucker, who is one of the best artists I know. Check out his Magic card art, for example. There’s also a competition on the APE Games…