Category: About the Blog

  • Small refreshing

    Time for some changes, even though I rarely update this blog these days. Still. This is perhaps the third or fourth new look for the blog, and that’s not much in twelve years. Time to go modern. The new look is the new default theme from WordPress 4.1, Twenty Fifteen. I like it, it’s clean,…

  • Gameblog on Google+

    I’ve got lots of board game geeks in my Google+ circles. I’ve been posting board game notes there, mostly quick thoughts of what I’ve played. Those notes appear much faster and more reliably than what I post here. I’ve run into a limitation with Google+: I don’t mind sharing those notes in public, yet I…

  • Popular content

    I added a list of the most popular posts in the sidebar. It lists the most-viewed posts for the last 60 days. Looks like the playing card review articles enjoy constant popularity. There are couple of other favourite posts, but those are the most popular. Funny enough, while looking at the Google keyword hits from…

  • New look

    It was about time! I switched the blog from Movable Type to WordPress. I thought it would be a harrowing process, but it was fairly smooth (ok, my idea of smooth involves a fair bit of regexp fixing, mining data with MySQL queries and so on). This was my last active blog using Movable Type,…

  • Gameblog has relocated

    Image via Wikipedia My web site was taken down by hackers. It’s still down, as my hosting provider became quite unsupportive about it. Unfortunately the new host doesn’t have a certain module Movable Type needs and so I had to find another place to host this blog… All way too complicated. Nevertheless, here we…

  • Analytics

    I haven’t been looking at Google Analytics for this blog in a long time. I was slightly surprised by the results, really. First of all — search (ie. Google) brings only about 60 % of the visitors. I’m used to much larger share. What’s even more odd is the amount of direct traffic, about 21…

  • Silence coming

    I haven’t been terribly busy blogging here anyway, but I think I’ll warn you now: next year is likely to be the quietest so far for Gameblog. The first half or so, anyway, since our second child is due early January. In less than a month, that is! That, of course, is totally cool and…

  • New look

    Gameblog turns five this month. Five years! That’s almost ancient when it comes to web sites. To celebrate the blog’s advanced age, I decided to give it a bit of a makeover — after all, it has looked pretty much the same for the whole five years. Hope you like it, I think it looks…

  • Gameblog is four years old!

    Hooray! Gameblog turns four today! Pretty amazing. Turns out many of my projects have longevity that surpasses what is generally expected from web fads. I suppose Gameblog will be there after next four years (it should get pretty interesting then, as Nooa will be four years old and in a prime age for his gaming…

  • Tags

    I installed a new version of Movable Type, which features tags. So, I’ve started tagging my entries. I think the tags are a good addition: they work a bit like categories, but are a lot more specific and thus can be a lot more useful in some situations. Clicking the tags will show you all…