Category: Less about games

  • Hot games for Q2/2008

    Continuing from the previous round… Glory to Rome takes the spot as the hottest game of the quarter, by far: it has double the hotness points the second game on the list has. And why not? It’s new and it’s very, very good. I’ve played four games, once each with two, three, four and five…

  • Jonathan Schaeffer and Duplicate Poker

    I was scouring the web for interesting Poker news (that’s what I do for living these days) and I bumped into a familiar name. There’s a Man vs Machine Poker Championship coming, where two human Poker pros will play against Polaris, a Poker computer program. In the end of the article I read, they interview…

  • More playing-cards

    Modiano was kind enough to send me some sample packs, so more playing-card reviews are coming up!

  • Cards from Piatnik

    I have good news for those of you who have enjoyed my playing-card reviews: I just placed an order to Piatnik, I’m getting 17 of their packs. Tarock, mostly, but also several different European regional packs. You see, I asked around for cards to review and Piatnik’s Finnish agent replied. I didn’t get anything for…

  • A word on video games — Mario Kart Wii rocks!

    We got a Wii last week. The final reason was Mario Kart Wii — it’s one of my favourite series, I’ve enjoyed it on both GameCube and particularly on DS. The Wii version is the best, however, for several reasons. Wii has been on our “to buy” list since it came out, it was obvious…

  • The International Playing-Card Society

    I joined The International Playing-Card Society recently. I have little interest in participating the activities, but I was curious about Playing-Card, their journal. I received the three back issues of this subscription season yesterday and I’d say they’re worth the money. I mean, I haven’t subscribed to Counter, because I can read board game stuff…

  • Hot games for Q1/2008

    Oh my, another quarter gone! The previous one was good, how about this one? Wabash Cannonball is the hottest of the hot, and no wonder. I’ve loved every game so far. I’d like to try a five-player game at some point, to see how that changes the game. And of course more games with three…

  • Pampas Railroads reprint

    I was pining for a copy of Pampas Railroads before. Not any more! There’s talk of a reprint! It’s P100 project, that is, if JC Lawrence can get 100 pre-orders, a reprint will be done. P100 for Pampas Railroads is where you sign up. The orders are at 40 or so at the moment, so…

  • My card game book

    I just took a look at the final layout of my card game book. Now I only need to do the index and make the last check for mistakes, and it’s done. The book goes to the printers about week from now. It’s gorgeous — most of the card game books I’ve seen are pretty…

  • In search of railroads

    If anybody has a copy of Prairie Railroads, Veld Railroads or Pampas Railroads they’re willing to sell, please let me know. As if, but doesn’t hurt to ask, does it?