The Best Game There Is
Sorry for the lack of updates. Last Friday I got this new game, which I’ve been playing almost non-stop since. It’s called Die Wahnvorstellung. I can’t do the typical ‘Geek link, as it’s not yet listed there — it’s so new. The edition I have is hand made by the designer, but I hear he…
Games I’d like to buy
There are three big games I’d really, really like to get right now: Amun-Re, the new Knizia game. Akke Monasso’s first impressions -article sounds very good. Seems promising! Age of Steam is long and complicated, but still it tempts me. Heavy decision-making with severely limited resources is always a good combination. Löwenherz / Domaine —…
Books about games
This post contains affiliate links to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Affiliate links are marked with a €.I’ve been reading books about games lately. Mostly books describing the rules to various card games, including the classic of classics: Hoyle’s Games. It’s not the original version from the 18th century, but…
Bohnanza rules translation
For the Finnish readership, there’s an rules translation for Bohnanza available at my web site.
Got some games
I think I mentioned an Adam Spielt order two weeks ago… Well, I got the games yesterday: Sticheln and Bohnanza. So no Wizard for me! Reason for that is the simple fact that Wizard is easily played with the Sticheln deck as it only adds four Wizards and four Jesters to the standard deck —…
Sudden moment of embarrassing truth
It seems I’ve always played Space Beans wrong. I am quite sure we’ve always given the cards to the player on one’s left, ie. the next player. However, the cards should be given to the previous player, the one on your right. Oops.
While visiting the library, I studied other books than the Hanafuda already mentioned. Few of them were about Bridge, the king of the trick-taking games (and perhaps card games in general, as well). I have really no interest to play Bridge, as it seems to be a terribly deep and complex game. That’s fine, but…
I bumped into a mention of Hanafuda, the Japanese flower cards in Pagat. I didn’t react until Yesterday, when I saw a book about it in a local library. I borrowed it and now I’m definitely fascinated. Hanafuda cards are quite beautiful, small cards. They don’t have numbers like the western playing cards. Instead, the…
Sunda to Sahul arrived
I picked up the Sunda to Sahul from the post office the first thing today. I just opened the box and I must say I’m impressed! Neat little box (about the size of A4, perhaps 5 cm high) and talk about nice bits! Game consists mostly of about 100 or so jigsaw pieces, and they…
Sunda to Sahul
A guy called Don Bone was looking for playtesters for his new game Sunda to Sahul on the Spielfrieks list. I got interested without even checking the web site — come on, he was offering me a free board game! Now I’ve actually studied the game a bit from the web site, browsed through the…