Blue Skies
Blue Skies by Joe Huber, published Rio Grande Games in 2020. I’ve played this couple of times with a friend’s copy. Elevator pitch: This very plain-looking game offers an interesting mix of short-term point collection and long-term area majority in a very old-fashioned way. What’s in the box? There’s a big very plain-looking board full…
My 2021 top 100 list
Once I again I went through the effort of pitching games against each other in a massive round-robin tournament between my 180 favourite games in order to create a top 100 list. The result can be found here on BGG. The results are somewhat obvious, but there are some interesting newcomers on the list –…
Lands of Galzyr
Lands of Galzyr by Sami Laakso and Seppo Kuukasjärvi, launched on Gamefound by Snowdale Design in 2021. The campaign draft can be found here. Snowdale Design loaned me a preview copy. I’ve previewed all previous Snowdale Design games, but I’ve also purchased every one of them afterwards. Elevator pitch: Narrative adventuring in a persistent open…
Mono Green Aggro (2021)
I’m back running a mono green aggro deck. I had a really good run with another variant on this theme back in Fall 2020, when I made it to Mythic two months in a row. I haven’t seen Mythic since. I wanted to give green aggro a go, and found this deck online. I’ve been…
Mono Black Tergrid Discard
The Kaldheim set introduced in February 2021 added some interesting cards to Magic: the Gathering, and one of them inspired me to create a deck. The deck turned out to be decent enough, fun to play and probably quite frustrating for opponents. The key card here is Tergrid, God of Fright, one of the new…
Gaming Year 2020
2020 was a weird year. Covid-19. Let’s get the big one out there first. Covid-19 was a big thing, and wasn’t. The total amount of games I played was about the same as it has been in previous years. The ten year average is 751, I played 753 games in 2020; in hours the average…
A Feast for Odin, Abandon All Artichokes, Altiplano, Animal upon Animal, Attika, Cartographers, Caverna: Cave vs Cave, Cities: Skylines, Coconuts, Conflict of Heroes, Connect Four, Dale of Merchants, Decrypto, Everdell, Fort, Hallertau, Just One, Love Letter, Magic: The Gathering, Merchant of Venus, Merkator, MicroMacro: Crime City, Minecraft: Builders & Biomes, Nusfjord, Q.E., Res Arcana, Second Chance, Spirit Island, Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, The Crew, The Mysteries of Peking, Tiny Towns, Trails of Tucana, Twin It!, Tyrants of the Underdark, Undaunted: Normandy, Undaunted: North Africa, Underwater Cities, Valley of the Vikings, War Chest, Wavelength -
Small city full of crime – Interview with Johannes Sich
MicroMacro: Crime City has been one of the weird highlights of the 2020. It’s a puzzle played on a big black and white city map, full of detail. There’s a bunch of cases, a crime mysteries you have to figure out. Who was murdered, who did it, what was the motive? The key to these…
Unlock! Star Wars
Unlock! Star Wars Escape Game by Cyril Demaegd and Jay Little, published by Space Cowboys in 2020. I received a review copy from Asmodee Nordics. Elevator pitch: Three Unlock! escape room puzzle scenarios set in the Star Wars universe. What’s in the box? This is a typical Unlock! three scenario box: there’s three decks of…
Mono Black Peer into the Abyss
I got beaten by the key combo of this deck and thought this might be a fun deck to play. Alternative win conditions are fun. Well, alternative – this deck certainly kills the opponent by wasting all life, it’s just that it’s mostly done at once, and it doesn’t really matter how much life the…
Mono Green Aggro Stomp
Since I’m playing lots of Magic: The Gathering on Arena these days, why not post a few words about the game. I’ll post some of the decks I play. If you want to be my friend on Arena, I’m Hutilointia there. This has been my go-to deck. It started as the preconstructed green deck provided…