1000 ratings!
Board games, after a long break! The goal for the day was clear: reach 1000 BGG ratings. Red is a new mini game from Carl Chudyk and Chris Cieslik. Play a card and/or change the goal. Only requirement? You need to be winning after your move, otherwise it’s game over for you. Fun little filler. Suggest. Pick-a-Pig was familiar: I’ve…
Troll Hunt
I played a pre-release copy of Troll Hunt from the Finnish Board Game Society game library in Ropecon, kindly provided by Roll D6. The game: Troll Hunt by Veli-Matti Saarinen, published by Roll D6 in 2014, after a successful Kickstarter campaign. Elevator pitch: Place and move mirrors on board so that the light rays from your lanterns hit the…
I saw Rallyman being played couple of years ago, and finally got a used copy for myself (actually the very same copy I saw back then). This seems like an interesting racing game. I’m not a huge fan of the genre, but this one seems interesting, and of course being a Finn, the rally theme…
For the Crown
This review is based on a review copy, kindly offered by Victory Point Games. The game: For the Crown (second edition) by Jeremy Lennert, published by Victory Point Games in 2012. Elevator pitch: Chess meets Dominion: a game of Chess, where you start with just a king and build up your army using a simple deck-building mechanism. What’s in the box? A slipcase…
Abluxxen / Linko
The game: Abluxxen by Wolfgang Kramer and Michael Kiesling, published by Ravensburger in 2014. The international edition is called Linko. Elevator pitch: Card game filler where you steal cards from other players in order to get rid of the cards in your hand. What’s in the box? In the small, though not as small as it could…
Zeppeldrome is currently looking for funding at Kickstarter. I got a review copy, and finally got it on the table. The review is a bit rushed; I’ve only played two two-player games so far, but since the topic is current and I’m not sure if I have time to play the game again before the…
Gaming Year 2013
2013 was a very good year of board games, just like 2012 was before it. My kids and I have continued to play lots of games. My son is now seven and half, and can play quite complicated games. My daughter, soon five, is also a bright little gamer, and much less prone to throwing…
A Study in Emerald, Ab in die Tonne, Animal upon Animal, Augustus, Australian Railways, Bunte Runde, Carcassonne: South Seas, Colorpop, Continental Divide, Coup, Da ist der Wurm drin, Das kleine Gespenst, Die kleinen Drachenritter, Erzähl doch mal…, EuroRails, Fleeting Foxes, Geistertreppe, Ghost Blitz, Gulo Gulo, Inc., Indigo, King of Tokyo, Klack!, Kraken-Alarm, La Boca, La Cucaracha, Las Vegas, London, Loopin’ Louie, Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Deck-building Game, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Deck-Building Game, Love Letter, Machi Koro, Marrakech, Memory, Nations, New York Central, Qin, Qwixx, Rapelli, Richard Scarry’s Busytown, Russian Railroads, Schildkrötenrennen, Suburbia, Super Farmer, The City, The Resistance: Avalon, Timeline, Trans Europa, year review -
Machi Koro
The game: Machi Koro by Masao Suganuma, published by Grounding in 2012. The name means something like “Dice town”. Elevator pitch: Catan resource production distilled into a 30-minute filler game. Roll dice to produce money, use money to buy your way to victory. What’s in the box? The smallish box contains cards, cardboard coins and two dice. Everything looks really…
Carcassonne: South Seas
The game: Carcassonne: South Seas, by Klaus-Jürgen Wrede, published by Hans im Glück in 2013. Elevator pitch: First game in the Carcassonne Around the World series: an independent Carcassonne game set in the South Seas, featuring familiar Carcassonne game play with novel scoring system. What’s in the box? Usual Carcassonne-size box contains tiles, meeples, wooden resource tokens (clam shells, bananas,…