Stephenson’s Rocket
So, as requested by Iain, here’s my thoughts about Stephenson’s Rocket. Tommy has been carrying this Reiner Knizia game around to many events, but hasn’t ever been able to play it with more than 2 players. To help out the poor guy, I suggested we play it. We soon had two other players and a…
HelCon pictures online
Some of the pictures I took at HelCon (those with people — most of the pictures concentrated 100% on the games) are available at my picture gallery. Captions are in Finnish, sorry for foreign readers. You wouldn’t know the people anyway… Game pictures and session reports will come as soon as possible, but it’ll take…
Back from HelCon
I wrote a more detailed entry about coming back from HelCon, but managed to destroy it with accidental backspacing… Oops. Well, anyway, I’m back, had a great time, played many good games, took almost 100 photos and so on. A detailed session report (including Battle Cry, Die Macher, Die Händler, Stephenson’s Rocket and Villa Paletti…
HelCon is getting close
This is probably my last entry here before HelCon. I’ll try to get something posted here as soon as possible after the event, and get some pictures available too. I hope to see as many of you as possible! You’ll find me in the Die Macher table on Saturday afternoon, after that, who knows… Try…
Game pictures online
I have finally set up an image gallery. Currently it has just my older game pictures, but more will come. You can get the English game menu with this link: http://www.melankolia.net/photo/go/games — the captions are in Finnish, but at least you can look at the pictures and the user interface is in English. Finnish users…
German Boardgame Geek Test
I made the German Boardgame Geek Test today. My score was 35.46%, which means I’m not hopelessly geek yet. I obviously have to improve my score. Also, I have a new toy, a digital camera. So, expect game pictures sooner or later! I’ve set up a photo gallery script at my web site, so you’ll…
The war is over
My Steel Panthers game with Tommy (see This is war) is finally over. I believe there are no winners in any wars, and this was the case this time too: it’s a draw. I got more points, but that wasn’t enough. I got two of the four victory objective areas — I held three, but…
New version of MovableType
I just finished updating to MovableType 2.5. The biggest improvement visible to you, my faithful readers, is the search ability. So, here you are, a search box. It searches both entries and comments. I got keyword option; that’s great, I love keywords and thesauri. I’m studying to become a librarian — that’s my excuse for…
Puerto Rico at BSW
I played two games of Puerto Rico today at the Brettspielwelt. Both were quite exciting. The first one was four-player game. It was remarkably low-scoring one: winner had only 31 points. Unfortunately that winner wasn’t me. Even though I had whopping 24 colonists and fortress too, I was only able to tie with the winner…
Villa Paletti preview
I bought Villa Paletti, the 2002 Spiel des Jahres winner for few reasons. Biggest one is probably that I happened to see it at a department store when I was looking for a birthday gift for my girlfriend. I didn’t buy it right away, but went back the next day… Also, as it won the…