Slices of the colour pie
I was wondering: which are my favourite colours and colour combinations in Magic: The Gathering? Mono-colour decks My favourite mono-colour deck is crystal clear: green. The basic archetype of creature-based aggression works for me, and this is one of my most successful archetypes. It’s fun to play. Mono blue is my least favourite single-colour deck.…
Top 100 list, 2022 edition
My annual top 100 list is now out on BoardGameGeek: Mikko’s top 100 — 2022 edition. Making this year’s list was a slightly sad process. I have a two-year rule for my list: this year, I’ll consider games that I’ve played in 2022, 2021 or 2020. This meant a list of 146 titles. I’ve last…
A history of fads
A thought hit me while I was compiling my latest top 100 list. I could take each quarter in my game records and look for the hottest game of that quarter. That would show the fads and the flashes in the pan and be a nice snapshot of my gaming history. For each quarter, I’ve…
Mythic Boros Aggro, now with Alchemy
Last month I made it to Mythic on Magic: The Gathering Arena with a Boros Aggro deck. Well, that deck still works, as this month, I repeated the achievement (my sixth Mythic rating). However, I used an Alchemy variant of the deck for some variety this time. As before, the deck is from DoggertQBones, who…
Mathias Wigge interview
Mathis Wigge is the designer of Ark Nova, a tremendously popular board game about zookeeping. What makes it even more impressive is the fact that it’s his first released board game. I interviewed Wigge by email to find out more about where Ark Nova came from. This interview was originally published in Finnish at Lautapeliopas.…
Mythic Boros Aggro
This is the fifth time I reached Mythic in Magic: The Gathering Arena. This time I did it with a new deck type: I was running the currently very popular Boros Aggro deck. Boros Legion is a guild from Ravnica and has given the name for red and white decks in Magic. Here’s the deck…
Grabbing chips left and right
I played games with my game group after a long break. We played primarily familiar titles: Ark Nova, Krass Kariert, and Tyrants of the Underdark. However, we also gave a new game a try. Family Inc. is a Reiner Knizia title, published by Piatnik in 2021. Like many other Knizia titles, it’s based on an…
Trendy zookeeping
I’m, of course, talking about Ark Nova, one of the hottest titles at the moment. Designed by first-time designer Mathias Wigge and published by Feuerland Spiele, Ark Nova has been very popular recently. A Finnish game store got a few dozen copies and sold them out immediately. I managed to secure a copy for myself…
A Feast for Odin on BGA
A Feast for Odin has been available on Board Game Arena for a while now. I’ve been mildly curious since it’s my favourite game. My interest has been diminished by the lack of The Norwegians expansion, which I’m very much used to, but the talk of playing solo games on BGA did sound fascinating. I’ve…
Escape Team
Escape Team by Fabian Hemmert. I received a free mission pack voucher from the publisher. The Escape Team home page. Elevator pitch: Escape Team is an app-powered escape room puzzle game where you print out all the materials at home. What’s in the box? There’s no box! The game is an iOS or an Android…