Puerto Rico opponents at BSW
Remember how I was lamenting how I never placed any better than second when playing Puerto Rico in Brettspielwelt? Now I know why. I just checked, and for example, this guy shlimazl, who won me, has played over 500 games of Puerto Rico at the BSW and has won over 50% of them. Nice…
Villa Paletti
I happened to run into Villa Paletti when I was shopping some birthday gifts for my girlfriend. I resisted the temptation until the next day, when I went and bought it. I was finally able to play it for real in the HelCon. We played some two-player games with Tommy on the day before, but…
Ricochet Robot solver
As long as I’ve had Ricochet Robot, I’ve thought about how neat it would be to have a computer program that would solve those puzzles that seem a bit too hard for the humans to solve. Well, now I have one. I’ve been studying Data Structures and Algorithmics lately in the University and I’ve learned…
The Games Journal
New Games Journal is out, go check it out. A thin issue this time, but good articles. There’s one from Greg Aleknevicus about specialiation and diversity in games and another about gamer’s games, a short Essen report, letters and a review of Liar’s Dice. Short, but good nonetheless.
Top 10 list 11/2002
Die Macher (1) Web of Power (2) Die Händler (-) Princes of Florence (4) Through the Desert (-) Villa Paletti (-) Tigris & Euphrates (7) Puerto Rico (3) Africa (5) Go (8)
Lord of the Rings: Confrontation
As some of my most faithful readers might remember, Reko had promised to teach me to play Lord of the Rings: Confrontation at the HelCon. Well, he kept his promise and after our game of Die Händler was over, I hooked up with him and we played two games. The rules were quickly explained —…
Die Macher pictures
Here’s the last one for today: Die Macher pictures are online. More (Die Händler, Villa Paletti, LotR: Confrontation, Battle Cry) to come tomorrow!
Stephenson’s Rocket pictures
Stephenson’s Rocket pictures are online. They document my rise to power and glory… ahem. It was the best game of Stephenson’s Rocket I’ve ever played, the one I won 😉 There are also few new pictures of Britannia and