More Puerto Rico at BSW
Played some more Puerto Rico at the Brettspielwelt. This time I used the English patch. I haven’t installed it before because I don’t need it for the language, I can read German well enough. However, that’s not the only good thing: now I see how many empty plantation spaces there are, large buildings actually take…
T&E Play-by-email at BGG
I’ve started to play Tigris & Euphrates at the Boardgamegeek. The interface is pretty ok — if you have decent Internet connection. It is quite heavy, so modem users might want to skip this one. However, if you’re not afraid of slow loading, feel free to challenge me to games. My Geek id is msaari.…
Puerto Rico victory!
I rule! Finally I was able to win my first ever game of Puerto Rico in the Brettspielwelt! It took many tries, but I did it! My opponents weren’t total novices, either. One of the had played over 300 games, while other had played about 10 or so. It showed — the first guy was…
Carcassonne at BSW
I just played two games of Carcassonne with the Expansion at the Brettspielwelt. I won the first game and came second in the second. Nice. But these games made me agree with some comments I’ve heard: the expansion tiles are good and bring welcome variety to the game, but throw away the cathedral tiles. Both…
Greg Aleknevicus was apparently satisfied enough with my article and will publish it in The Games Journal. Way cool… Watch out for the January issue!
Article submission!
Finally, after what must’ve been years of pondering, I finally managed to write an article and submit it for The Games Journal. It’s basically an originally Finnish article from my website, but it also appeared here. I’m excited to see if my article appears in the journal. To make this a bit more game-related, I…
Do-it-yourself games: Bluff
I played Bluff (aka Call the Bluff aka Liar’s Dice aka Perudo) for the first time last Sunday and thought it to be a game that I would want to own. However, instead of paying lots of money (at least over 20 euros) for the game that consists of some dice, cups and a board,…
Africa + Puerto Rico
First of all, there’s been some discussion about Africa on the Spielfrieks list. The best thing the discussion brought up is this analysis by Peter Wiles (through Defective Yeti Yahoo! groups filter). Read and be amazed, how well Doktor Knizia has balanced the game. Puerto Rico has been another hot topic lately, with the new…
Board game club meeting
Seurapelikerho met last Sunday. Not many people came, but we had a good time nonetheless. I didn’t play many games, but those few were good games I had wanted to play, so I’m satisfied. I started with Villa Paletti, introducing it to the club. We had a good time playing it and the game actually…
BSW games: Web of Power and Puerto Rico
I played some games just minutes ago at the Brettspielwelt. First, two games of Web of Power — lost first trying to get advisors in a three-player game and then won the second game (which was very tough and exciting match) using only cloisters. Then, I played a game of Puerto Rico. Yet again, my…